
@Joeswolf07 so are there any story ideas you've had in mind that you'd like to start with? 


@AlexOctaviousKni true. I'm sorry I wasted your time over all these comments then 


@AlexOctaviousKni makes sense a little bit though it'd hard to write as a colab 


@Joeswolf07 so are there any story ideas you've had in mind that you'd like to start with? 


@AlexOctaviousKni true. I'm sorry I wasted your time over all these comments then 


@AlexOctaviousKni makes sense a little bit though it'd hard to write as a colab 


Hello if anyone is reading these, I'm uncertain at this point if anyone actually comes in and reads this section if they read my stories, or if the people following me are still around. Anyhow! I've been taking a break from writing inside any of my stories for awhile, and with the writers block i've been experincing inside my own person story i plan to get published i'm going to get back into writing for Wattpad stories. So first up will be the Pokemon one which is in desperate need of a second chapter, followed by the adventures in another world and hopefully my naruto story will finally get an update as well. Thanks so much to anyone reading or waiting for new stories


Just a general update on anyone whom may be reading or was reading my stories. I have not posted any new chapters in any of mine due to a mixture of writers block but also I'm working on my first story that I will be attempting to get published which is exciting, but has elements of a previous story I was writing on here so I don't want that to cause problems. I appreciated and still appreciate the support in reads I received from y'all and can't wait to get back to posting again


So I figured I would update anyone still waiting on my stories.
          Thunder in the Night:
          Still actively working on this story, I've just had personal issues come up which has caused some writers block issues. Currently actively working on the next part
          Pokemon story:
          Inactive until further notice just due to writers block
          Naruto story:
          It will be going into a rewrite due to not enjoying how I had written the last few chapters. Will do updates once I can get back to it


I'm sorry for the lack of chapter updates on my 3 main stories. There's a lot of personal things going on in my life currently. I promise the stories aren't dead and I'll be back to them once everything is taken care of. Thank you for your patience and understanding