Hi, I'm Gi, bigender weirdo, and, at this point in my life, I'm pretty sure that I probably exist
If you have stumbled upon my page, you may have found the Twilight Zone
I am a nerd
All my friends are nerds
I am a Dungeon Master, although I still know next to nothing about DnD, I play 3.5 if you ever want to talk with me about it, and I posted my adventures on here, although my current party is... special to say the least

I have one, true passion in my short, simple life so far is pen and ink, or the clicks of the keys as I press them down
I can take criticisms, so, if you have the time, read my stuff and tell me what worked or what didn't work
I will gladly follow you or give a comment of my own on your stories!
I'm just, y'know, trying to figure out this whole social thing

Also, I'm never active because my wifi is terrible and because I just joined this FIRSTRobotics thing and it's eating my life, but that's okay

This is my tumblr -> http://alaalooe.tumblr.com/
And soundcloud -> https://soundcloud.com/alaalooe
(although I haven't posted any music, yet, stay tuned!)
I have another wattpad called the TransgenderBookPress, it's a project of collecting stories with binary and nonbinary transgender people in it. They can be fiction, nonfiction, prose, poetry, etc. PM me if you have questions.

  • JoinedMarch 6, 2015

Last Message
Alaalooe Alaalooe Jan 28, 2016 01:50AM
It's finals week D:
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