
Hi guys, 
          	So I am so genuinely sorry that I've been gone for so long. I have tons of drafts and things to catch up on, and it was sooooo seriously sucky of me to just leave like that for so long :( again, so sorry
          	I got a new job recently and I've been a bit stressed/busy, so that was part of it; but I'm also dealing with some mental stuff recently that's been rough
          	I hope you guys forgive me for up and leaving, but I promise y'all I'll try to be on here more <3  
          	I genuinely love you guys so much, your support rlly means everything to me <3 thank you again y'all 


Hi guys, 
          So I am so genuinely sorry that I've been gone for so long. I have tons of drafts and things to catch up on, and it was sooooo seriously sucky of me to just leave like that for so long :( again, so sorry
          I got a new job recently and I've been a bit stressed/busy, so that was part of it; but I'm also dealing with some mental stuff recently that's been rough
          I hope you guys forgive me for up and leaving, but I promise y'all I'll try to be on here more <3  
          I genuinely love you guys so much, your support rlly means everything to me <3 thank you again y'all 


I saw a spider on my bedroom wall and it ran off so I screamed and freaked out a bit and kindve cried so now I have to sleep on my little sisters' floor cuz I cant be in my own room :skull:


@Drakensofficalwife tyyy :sobs: it's disappeared now so I think Im good lolo


@Akkuns_fav_wife Honestly  would've done the same, I feel so bad for you! I hope you never see it again. T^T


Bro yesterday I was shopping with my mama and sisters and we all stopped and got boba- 
          And I got like a lavender/raspberry one and IT. WAS. SO. GOOOOOOOD omg


@Drakensofficalwife it's delishhhhh I hope you get to try it soon!! I like popping boba personally but regular tapioca are rlly good too <3333


@Akkuns_fav_wife Oo! It sounds good! I've always wanted to try some Boba but maybe soon!
            Well, I mean.. soap doesn't really taste all that bad.. :D


LAVENDER IS SUCH AN UNDERRATED FLAVOR :sob: people say it tastes like soap BUT I DON'T SEE IT??? anyway it was rlly good


It's my birthday today <3


@TaijusHouseWife32 thank you so much awww <333333


@Drakensofficalwife AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVEEE <33333 