
this message may be offensive
I hate to inform you, but UA is Fucked was plagiarized directly from @DemonOrAngel1441 's UA Staff Chat vs Tired College Student
          Your "ua...nah it's hell" story is also subject to copyright laws. If you do not take it down, the original author of UA Staff Chat vs Tired College Student will take legal action


@MichelleWhytewolfe thank you and I completely agree I think the author of us vs college student is awesome and there work is even better I apologize again for this I really don't want the author of that fic to be upset 


@MichelleWhytewolfe No problem. We hate to have to do things like this, but it's also unfair when someone steals another person's work.
            It is very possible if you talk to the owner of the original fic that they might allow you to make an actual collab, but right now they're kind of floored/disheartened that someone they trusted would steal their work like that 
            I wish you the best and I hope that you have a good day/night/(whatever it is where you are)


@MichelleWhytewolfe thank you for informing me I will take it down know I do not want to steal anybody's idea