Hello and welcome to the page of two cinnamon rolls!

This is a page with two sisters who join their minds together to make books and some other fanfictions!

Caitilin | @cinnamonrolllz

Hi, I'm Caitilin! I'm the younger sister and Min's my older sister. I play the violin and piano, play netball, basketball and I do competitive swimming for school and a club. I'm a cinnamon roll who likes to play games in the dark too uwu

Heyyyy I'm Min and there's not much to say about me. ^^

- Loves video games, LINE Webtoon comics, manga, and anime.
- Has a lot of writers blocks
- Hungry all the time
- Gets bored easily


Min | @minminheartz_
- Loves singing, piano, and violin.
- Mainly reads but doesn't write.
- Sweets and sugar.
- I love game shows.

Caitilin - @cinnamonrolllz
Min - @minminheartz_

  • Дата регистрацииAugust 11, 2018


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