
gay vibes gotta zoom somewhere. luckily, I'm open 24/7


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I already posted this but I need to re-do the whole thing.
          so, a group of wendigos are herded into a confined area by modern umans after living in solitude for millennials. it first talks about what had happened to the main character, their situation, and what burdens they have to carry. the feelings of feeding off souls of certaim victims, and then later on how they're affected by the modernized humans and how they 'escape'(I'm being vague because I'm not givin' shit away). and their are otehr parts about certain events that trigger character development and certain scenes that greatly impact the plot of the story, but that isn't important.
          so, tf genre(category) would this fall under?? 


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            1. Sup bri
            2. Probably under fantasy
            3. Fucking answer me in furry, and stop procrastinating. You know with your mom there's no way to meet in person, and I really wanna talk.


y'all a tornado warning just went off for my area and I'm getting really freaked out. there are like four rivers near my house and we don't have a basement to go in if it hits. I'm freaking o u t


@AidenSquirrel The same happened for my friend Ethan. I hope you guys are okay. Try to stay safe!


Don’t die-


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Right, hello, how are you? You don't know me and I don't know you but I'm just here to say:
          Im here for you.
          It seems stupid, you don't even know me but it's clear to see life isn't all sunshine for you.
          So, if you need to say anything, rant, just talk, I'm here. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. So many others are out there for you, even if you haven't met them yet.
          I know life's a massive continuous knee to the dick but pushing through it will really make yourself thankful in the future that you stuck around to see it. Imagine yourself 10 years in the future thanking yourself now for sticking through the shit hole which is life. Because you don't know what's coming up, and life's a good enough movie to stick around to the end. It isn't perfect, but it's worth it.
          I'm gunna stop rambling now.
          So um... I'm not sure how to end this.
          Bye *awkward jazz hands *
          This is worth it.