
Hello everyone. It's been a while. Actually, it's been ages. I just had a lot of stuff going on, with my graduation and my new job. I rested from writing for a while to cater to these changes, but I'm slowly trying to get back to it. 
          	With that, I'm currently working on the following:
          	1. Updating Sign Here for Vengeance 
          	2. Updating The King who Won't Marry (+news about the book) 
          	Thank you all for your love and support. Can't wait to tell you my stories again <3


Hello everyone. It's been a while. Actually, it's been ages. I just had a lot of stuff going on, with my graduation and my new job. I rested from writing for a while to cater to these changes, but I'm slowly trying to get back to it. 
          With that, I'm currently working on the following:
          1. Updating Sign Here for Vengeance 
          2. Updating The King who Won't Marry (+news about the book) 
          Thank you all for your love and support. Can't wait to tell you my stories again <3


Hey I’m in love with your book the king who won’t marry I read it years ago and remembered it and have been dying to read it again and the app where the full book is published is not available so I was wondering where can I read it.


@bdory1 Hii I will be publishing it again soon here. Just making changes to it. Thank you for the support


God SHFR is just too good. These past few days haven't been easy for me and your story has been an escape during these hard times, so i just wanted to say thank you for writing this. And also i have to admit that I don't read a lot of wattpad stories cause i found that almost all of them are the same, but your story is really so captivating and fun to read I couldn't put it down, so keep up with it cause i'll be waitin for the next update 


@Regalmess04 OH WOW THANK YOU! I am so happy and honored that my work was able to do this for you. And thank you for your kind words. My writing is not perfect and I'm still learning so your encouragements mean a lot. I'll update soon. Take care always and hope the next days will be good to you :)


Hey I'm reading SHFV and I just thought of sth. I'm not done I'm at the 300 scene. What about amnesia she act like she lost all her memories after the crash like when she confronts the Harrisons face to face when she's not ready to expose who she is???? I don't know. Then she was taken in by a family. Just thinking


@prettylittlerasta Hiii wow! Yeah thats a great plot! I thought about that before but the Harrisons might just kill her either way knowing that she survived. Might use it for a next project though. Thanks!!


Hello dear readers of SHFV,
          I know I haven't updated yet for quite some time. It's that most stressful time of the year--finals. I want to graduate soon and just write :<
          Anyway, rest assured the book will not discontinue. Hopefully, I'll be able to update soon. Til the next chapter, my dear readers. 


@Ahn_Onimus i love ur book and cant wait <3


@Ahn_Onimus it's ok, in your own time! We wait patiently for the next update! Good luck on your final exams, I know you will be amazing on tests as much as you write this book well. :3


@Ahn_Onimus SHFV is my favourite Wattpad book ❤️ i can't wait for the next chapter.... take your time. Much love <3<3