
I don’t know how but my smut book was deleted. As one of my followers, you know that that was one of my best books. The one the made me gain followers. I’m gonna be making a new smut book, but as you know, my recent situation has made that difficult. Thank you for your understanding.


@cyniah-is-15 Sure your remaking is gonna be hit ..Take your time..Self Care is more important ..Cheers & Fighting


Hello Madyan! 
          Sorry, I don't want to intrude, but I noticed you being a follower and reader of fantasy and romance authors. Maybe you’d like to give the supernatural fantasy-romance ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance as well. I’m a fan of her book and I think she deserves more readers and followers. 
          Best Regards theoneandonly


@theoneandonly202085  Thanks for your concern .I will give it a try.
            She will get soon whatever she deserves ..amen