HIIIIII! My name is Aaliyah i luver my name. Well anyway my fav colors are green blue and red! I LUVER SWEETS! Nickname is Sweeties or Adri.(Dont know about Adri) Well anyways i LUVER making books it just my thing i LUVER basketball and Softball! 

Well i'm going to decide to tell you more about me so, I have Golden Brown and Golden Blond hair. I'm athletic and slim but not to slim... I read any kind of book you got.... I'm,gothic, book smart and very real...

Traits or Personality
Nice but mean if have to stick up for peeps
And I always have to accept a challenge

The Golden Rule: Treat Others Like You Would Want To Be Treated!

The little boy said to his mommy"I used your lipstick to write on this paper mommy" she was so angry she hit him multiple times. She started to cry and said wake up baby but he didn't he was gone. She got the paper and it said "I love you mommy" post this if your against abuse.

Remember that girl you called fat, she's overdosed on diet pills. Remember that girl you called ugly, she spends hours putting on make up hoping people will like her. Remember that man with the ugly scars, he fought for our country. Remember that boy you tripped, he gets abused enough at home. Remember that boy you made fun of for crying, his mother dying. Post this if your against bullying. You wouldn't know what it is until you walk a mile in there shoes.

I like reflecting on the little things, like bugs, animals or even a piece of paper.

Everyone has a purpose on the world to picking up a piece of paper or making the world have peace

Last of all everyone beautiful! But you can be the most beautiful person in the world but bad personalty and I would still call you ugly, cause it only matter what's in the inside, I wouldn't care less about the out... Oh and we have new family memebers 3adult dogs and feels like thousandof puppies but really 14 My fav one is Sweets! Black
  • Swimming In A Pool Of Grape Fanta Yum!
  • JoinedDecember 20, 2011

Last Message
AdriannaGoddess AdriannaGoddess Dec 31, 2012 05:34PM
@DaleMayer Your welcome, I just love your book Vampire In Denial!
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