
It's my birthday!


For the few of you out there that 'like' my work and are wondering when I'll update, here's an apology and explanation. 
          I'm sorry for taking months at a time to update. I truly am. I've told myself thousands of times the past week to get here and update. And honestly, I hate to sound so...typical, I've been a little on the depressed side for the past few months. That's why I haven't been updating. I just can't motivate myself to do it. Not right now at least. If one of you lovelies out there has tips to give and advice to share, please do. PLEASE. I need someone to talk with. 
          Thank you.


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OKAY.  I'm here to apologize. I'M SUPER SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING MY SHIT. I love you all, but right now sleep, school, and my kik friends (and real ones, but they come with school) are my top priorities right now. School just started back for me and things are a bit hectic. Once again, I'M SORRYYYY. I'll start working right away when I get some actual free time. [I might even risk bringing my precious baby to school so I can write for you guys]


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DUMPLINGS. I have a roleplay idea. Two ideas more like. 
          In each of the two scenarios I use my saiyajin oc Akki. He has the appearance of ssj4 Goku. (To fully understand just WHAT he is, you should go read The Saiyajin Pet. Its a Vegeta x Goku fanfiction that is BEAUTIFULLY written, but pay close attention to the description.)
          Here are the scenarios. I can alter them to fit your character if you'd like.
          Goku Black:
          Black is 'scouting' (destroying) a planet with Akki's home on it. Black could come near where I am sleeping in a cave, obviously making a shit ton of noise from destroying EVERYTHING, and wake me up. I will decide how we would physically meet: either just wandering out of my cave to see what's going on, or to see Black and tackle him. The plot would develop from there.
          If Trunks [teen]: (could also be played by Vegeta, Goku, Bulma, or any Capsule Corp. worker)
          Trunks is wandering around the lower levels of a bio/alien research lab building of Capsule Corp. and he stumbles upon a heavily sealed door. He can't find a way to open it, so he does a very Vegeta thing; just blast it open. Inside there is an electric net covered, steel bar cage with me dwelling inside of it. There is a control panel by the door. Trunks could either figure out a way to deactivate the electric netting (password or smash the console)or leave me there until I am trusted enough to come out. His choice.
          I use whatever style of roleplay preferred. 
          Message me if you are interested!
          Toodaloo my dumplings~~~~~!