Hello there sweet marshmallows <3

ツȺɗяєиᾳɭȈиє Ȼσяρsҽ ツ Here XD

Lovelies you are true.

I'm a MCRmy Member ;)
I love the band with all my life..
My Chemical Romance, best band in the world.

I ship "frerard." like the Titanic.
without the whole dying situation...

Q: What's Your Favourite Album?
A: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.

Q: What's Your Favourite Song/s?
A: Hard question, hmm..
1) Famous Last Words, 2) Demolition Lovers, 3) Prison

Q: Favourite Member/s?
A: I like the Way Bros, but then I like Fronkeh and Ray-Fro-Fro ;)
  • Behind You With a Knife... :DD
  • InscritDecember 13, 2012


Histoire par Adrenaline_Corpse
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