
THE OLD WORLD CHAPTER TWO IS OUT!  This chapter is from the perspective of Grayson, the other protagonist in the novel.  
          	Keep in mind that I haven't had a chance to fully edit this chapter... so if you notice any grammatical errors, I will be fixing those soon! Haha!  
          	The next chapter after this will be from Lyra's perspective again, so stay tuned for that.  It should be out within the next two weeks.  
          	Thanks for your support!


THE OLD WORLD CHAPTER TWO IS OUT!  This chapter is from the perspective of Grayson, the other protagonist in the novel.  
          Keep in mind that I haven't had a chance to fully edit this chapter... so if you notice any grammatical errors, I will be fixing those soon! Haha!  
          The next chapter after this will be from Lyra's perspective again, so stay tuned for that.  It should be out within the next two weeks.  
          Thanks for your support!


Hey everyone,
          So I know I’ve been MIA for a long time, but I’ve been developing some ideas for the Old World and am excited to tell you all that I am back!! Starting this week I will try to post new chapters regularly.  Looking forward to writing again!! 


Hey everyone!
          After much thought, I have decided to embody a struggling writer, and restart The Old world.  Let me explain:
          Unfortunately it took me 6 chapters to realize this, but the reader needs a more personal relationship with Lyra - one that can only be accessed through first person.  So yes - I will be re-writing this story in the first person.
          I’ve also been thinking about where I want this story to go, and some things I’m adding in right now are throwing the remainder of the story off.  I don’t want to elaborate, as to avoid spoilers.
          Lastly, I myself need to gain a better knowledge of who Lyra is to continue writing her story.  I think her character as of now is more emotional than who I intended her to be, so I will be reworking that a bit.
          I will leave the current version of The Old World up until I am done re-writing the first six chapters on Google Docs.  After that, I will post a new message confirming the reworked version of the beginning of the story is done, and post it.  This might take a while, as writing six chapters is no easy feat!   
          Until then, I really appreciate your continued support.  Thank you guys so much! : ))))


Sorry about how long the message is… it’s kinda a story in it’s own right  


Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since I posted, but things have been hectic with exams coming up.  I hate to do this, but I probably won’t be able to post until the summer.  But don’t worry, once the summer comes, I will literally post all the time!
          I’m so excited for you guys to see what’s going to happen to Lyra, I have some big plans for her story! 
          Thanks so much for all of your support! 


Hey guys! School has been really demanding lately, so continuation of The Old World will be postponed.  I’m hoping to have the next chapter out by the end of the month for sure though!  If you guys have any questions or suggestions for the story, feel free to DM me in the meantime!! : )


Haha, despite saying I'd have the next three chapters of The Old World published by the end of the weekend, I only have one.  HOWEVER, the next two are written, they just need to be finalized.  I hope to have chapter six out tomorrow or the day after for sure!  In the meantime, please check out chapter five!!


Hey guys!!
          My goal was to update “The Old World” sooner, but school has been really demanding lately.  My goal is to have the next THREE chapters out by the end of the weekend! After that, I will be editing and revising all of the chapters, then later writing more new chapters!  I have a lot of exciting stuff planned! : )


Hey guys!  I made some adjustments to "The Old World," so if you have some time, check it out!  I will be revising chapters three and four soon, as well as releasing chapter five in the coming days.  It's really exciting, probably the most climactic chapter so far, so you guys will probably enjoy it.  Thanks for the support!