
Hello, Letters to Ricky fans!!
          	I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be moving Letters to Ricky over to @ColoradoKid420 which is the  account I use most often. So if you ever are looking for it, or want to reread it, head on over and check it out! :) 
          	Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!


Hey everyone!!!!!
          New chapter of Catching Fireflies is up!! :D 
          Wanna know a not so secret secret all you Letters to Ricky fans? Letters to Ricky is one of six stories that follow the Harken family throughout different points in their lives and told from different perspectives. I know a lot of you are waiting for the newest letter to be uploaded, but in the meantime, if you're itching for some Harkens, you can read: 
          Rules for Enduring the Sweenys
          Summer Mayhem: As Told by Oliver (though this is in the process of being rewritten)
          Rescuing Becca
          Catching Fireflies 
          Saving Columbine
          All of them are currently on my profile. ;) BUT, if you're just waiting for more of Penny's story, you can look forward to a letter soon. I've been REALLY sick lately so I haven't been feeling up to writing, but I can assure you new letters will be coming soon. :D Penny's story is not even CLOSE to being finished yet. We're just getting to the fun parts... ;)
          Thank you all for reading.


No problem at all! I love it! Forgive me as you must get this a lot, but is it really a true story?


@XxEpicallyAwesomexX Awww, thank you soo much! You're comment made me blush a bit. xD


Ha, aww I love it anyway. It's better that it's not true, she has kind of a shitty life. Your imagination is indeed insane but insanely vast too! Wow. I've always admired books written in diary form or letter form :') it's perfect <3


Hahaha. Yay! I'm really glad you're enjoying Penny's story. :) No, it's not a true story, it's just a piece of my insane imagination. Hahaha. But that you even asked has to be one of the most flattering things ever. xD Thank you!! :D