
As posted under Into the MCU, this is just an announcement that the spinoff thing will be opened shortly as a separate story. The first "chapter" will just be a call for requests and whatnot as well as talk about the project in general.


First off, YOU'RE ALIVE?!?! I missed you so much. Second off, I woke up to your notification at 3 in the morning and thought I was still dreaming. Third off, I love this spinoff already even though I've never seen daredevil, I love wren and loki doing a duo mission. It's so cute! I can't wait to read the rest of your story. Welcome back hun, lots of love ❤️ 


@Abi-wan_Kenobi Good to hear I've been looking for a new show to watch! Anyway welcome back can't wait to read another chapter about this couple  ❤️ 


@DjBelanoff8 thanks! I'll try to be alive more often on here lol. Also HIGHLY recommend Daredevil. I stand by my belief that it is the best Marvel show, and season 3 is one of the best seasons of television 


This story made me have so many different emotions, this was such a beautiful story. I really wished it didn't end because how awesome it is but the book is my favorite book to read on Wattpad I've read this book so many times and it makes me happy every single time. So I was thinking maybe you can do Harry Potter next or the Hobbit and have a oc go into that universe like how wren went into the MCU. But the person she loves is legolas or Harry Potter or something and she saves Severus snape. And other people that didn't have to die. But I thank you for coming up with this beautiful idea to make this wonderful story.


Another idea that I had was, what if you wrote a story where Loki stumbles into Wren Arlington’s universe? And a story about how he adapts to a different life maybe thinking that there’s no way back to his universe, with Wren helping him to be a better person as he goes along? Idk this was just another idea I had


Hey there, I just wanted to say that I love your writing so much, Into the MCU is by far the most attachment forming fanfiction I’ve ever read, I read it for the first time on A03 and lost my mind slowly as I read the entire thing. I know you said that you were low on ideas on what you wanted to do for the sequel, and I had the idea that maybe you could rewrite the Loki series? Because there were just so many things that marvel got wrong that I would love to see transformed into something more glorious, pun intended. I mean like, instead of Sylvie, you could bring back Siegen and maybe introduce Baldur from your interpretation of those characters and we could see more of Lady Sif and her love interest that is deceased in the Thor movies, something like that? But whatever you decide to do with the sequel… man I’m gonna be there for it LOL


Heck yeah, like your own What If series?


@OhHeyLetsDoGetHelp hey! Been a while since I've been on and since we last talked, but thanks again for still liking the story lol! It means a lot that you still enjoy it a while later. I'll get around to updating the spinoff eventually lol, but I don't think it'll ever turn into an official sequel. With that being said, if I ever want to write a "completely hypothetical and not canon" adventures, I'd love to do crazy fun things like Loki dropping in Wren's world. It'd have to be a separate fun category tho that isn't "canon" in my story. I've been having the urge to make that category tho because I have some fun crazy ideas I've wanted to write but they're too crazy to include in my actual canon cuz I just can't do that to my story lol, I do have limits to how fanficy far I will go in my actual story. So if I ever make that category, having Loki drop in Wren's world would be fun! In terms of the Loki show rewrite, I personally adore the show, think it was done perfectly, have no issues with it, and therefore wouldn't change a thing. Thus I don't think I could in good faith ever write that kind of story cuz it's too perfect for me, and I love Sylvie too much.


The EXPERIENCE that I have felt after reading your book is just..... KDHDKSJDJDJFNDN❤️‍
          Let's start with "how I found this book of yours"
          I was reading the comments of a reel and someone had recommended this book to someone. This is the first MCU related book I have read and the experience was better than I expected. This book is the best among all the books on Wattpad that I have read, it is the first time I have read and experienced something like this. I want everyone to see this book from my point of view, how AMAZING and WONDERFUL it is, you have explained everything and the characters in great detail, which I found to be the BEST thing about your book. I am grateful that I read that comment and I came here to read your book❤️ Hope you write more such books in future. 


@gulnaaz_Khan753 Thank you so much!!!!!! It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea of someone recommending my story to someone else, in the sense that I never thought I'd A) even publish something on this platform, and B) write something that someone would want to recommend to someone else lol. But I'm so glad they did if it meant you were able to get the amount of joy reading it that I had writing it. Thank you a thousand times over! It really means a lot❤️


I've read so many books on this app, but this has to be my most favorite. You are so creative and have a good imagination, I love how the characters speak like they would in the movies. Thank you for making this because I didn't like when some of the characters died in the movies but you made it different. Even though wren got on my nerves sometimes she has a good personality and such a good character.


@savvy092 thank you so much! After Marvel continued ripping my heart out with more and more depressing content after Endgame, I needed a happy ending lol. Glad I'm not the only one, so happy you enjoyed it!


Man!!!! I'm out of words!!! You have written a masterpiece!! I really have a lot to say but I really don't have the words I haven't even read the whole book yet but you are my favorite author already!!
          Thank you so much for writing that masterpiece❤️


@gulnaaz_Khan753 Thank you so much! I hope you continue to enjoy it, it means a lot that you think so highly so early on! 


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Holy shit best story I've ever read!
          Okay, but I'm so curious... how long was it? Like word count wise? Cause it is impressively long!
          I adored it if you can't tell! 


@CactusPillow omg that's awesome!! I enjoyed it immensely!! 


@CactusPillow oh my gosh I just replied to ur comment about this cuz I hadn't seen this message yet, but it's 470,485 words but that's including the notes and stuff. I have no idea what the exact would be if the notes were subtracted out. Thank you so much for reading and I'm glad u enjoyed it so much!


Ok, so this might be weird asking you, but do you have any thoughts on the Loki season 2 finale? None of my friends bothered to catch up and I want to assume you’d probably keep up to date considering… well your fic.  I’m dying to hear someone else’s thoughts other than my own tho cuz I love discussing stuff like this, and you seem like the type of person to have a really interesting take on it.


@Abi-wan_Kenobi yeah the loki season 2 ending will def help them in this situation. but we've thought that kang was gonna be the next big bad for so long now, it'll be hard to go in a diff direction. They've got 2+ years before avengers 5 is set to release though, so I guess we'll see what happens along the way... I'm not sure what movies are coming up that they can use to change things uh deadpool, captain america, is there ironman 4? (sorry, all my mcu info is getting messed up in my head) 
            and tbh I didn't even watch some of the recent movies, like The Marvels and Secret invasion. (I only watched the infinity saga a couple of years back, so I had a lot of movies  to catch up on, so yeah i think i ended up skippping some of the movies)


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@ineedtogetsomehelp__ yeah I'm so pissed he's out, I loved him in the role. But those who wanted a bigger bad guy than kang want this opportunity to be used to bring in like Dr doom instead or someone similar to be the new big bad. Honestly, if they don't recast kang and instead go a different direction, they're lucky that the end of Loki season 2 kinda gives them a way to close the Kang chapter. Like obviously we all know they were planning on him being a problem even with the TVA now watching his variants, but after losing Majors they could in theory just be like "well, Loki season 2 showed how the tva is keeping Kang variants in check, so there goes him as a threat". Unfortunately up until this point there has been no mention of a bigger threat, so they'd have to work quickly if they wanna introduce someone who we'll be scared enough of by the time avengers 5 and 6 roll around. Idk, it'll be interesting to see what they'll do. But with how hit or miss and kinda scattered the MCU has been since endgame, the last thing they needed was this wrench in seemingly the only cohesive plan they've had amongst a sea of sloppy shit


@Abi-wan_Kenobi yep, I hope they'll make it such an epic/heartwarming scene it'll be worth the wait 10 times over.
            OH YEAH yk i read that Marvel fired the Kang actor, Jonathan Majors, so like now idk what's going to happen in avengers 5 and 6