
Vacation time!!!! That means no study, and reading more stories and continue writing.
          	I have plenty of books in my personal reading list but want to read more. Anyone interested can send me their book links. I'm open for voting and giving feedbacks, so don't shy away, my friends... (:


Vacation time!!!! That means no study, and reading more stories and continue writing.
          I have plenty of books in my personal reading list but want to read more. Anyone interested can send me their book links. I'm open for voting and giving feedbacks, so don't shy away, my friends... (:


No one is born to live in solitude, may be not now but someday, you'll surely find someone whom you can rely on, who is always there for you even after all the fight and arguments you might have with each other. And sometimes, the person who left you out in the cold will return to you.  All you need to do is, just forgive the person and hope for the best. 
          And with this, I've decided to complete my very first ever BTS ff AGAPE LOVE...
          Will you guys be with me till the end of the story?


Hey, girl! I hope you're doing great. It's been quite long since you last updated a chapter. Is everything okay? Also, you don't appear on social media these days neither Deniz does.


@ArjunRawal Yes, Arjun. I'm fine. And you? 
            Actually, we had been busy lately. That's why we weren't active.


I'm not sure what to do... I'm simply juggling my love for my course with my passion for my work. The issue occurs when I'm unable to pursue my passions and aspirations because I need to study harder to earn good grades in order to find employment after completing the course. I'm feeling incredibly broken and disappointed while I consider my options. Should I pursue my passion or merely put in a lot of effort to get success?


@krish_2311 Awwwwe... my sweetie is in her college days now!! How time does fly!! I'm so glad to know it. Such a good news, sweetie. Congratulations! 
            I'm good. Are you enjoying your time?


@krish_2311 Awwwwe... such a sweetheart. Sending you lots and lots of purple hearts...


I guess no one is missing me... *sighs deeply*


@yourcutebisharmy Yeah I'm fine. How's your day going?



Hey, guys... I just created a fb professional account 2 days ago. It'd be great if you guys would follow me there... *puppy eyes*
          Please follow me on FB. The link is given below...
          And read my works there and there are many more fun stuffs in there. Be a part of it. *winks*
          Thanks in advance.


@BTSLover5902 Thanks...❤️❤️❤️