
THIS IS EVERYONE'S FINAL WARNING. If you come onto my stories and disrespect me, my friends, or my decisions, if you are rude or aggressive, if you THREATEN me about my ship decisions for books or anything else, YOU ARE GETTING BLOCKED. The Percy Jackson Fandom is getting on my last freaking nerve with this. I am a human being and I reserve the right to protect my mood and happiness by removing others from my account.
          	You have been warned. You will not be again.


@A_Stressed_Author I agree with  you so much, when I see something I don't like, like a ship I dislike or a decision an author made, I'll just maybe ask them to change it if they could and/or just comment "Nice plot/ship, except I kinda like {insert random} better"


@A_Stressed_Author I mean you have a bunch of books with different ships why cant people just read the ships they like and leave you alone


Is your Spotify playlist got a pic of Harry’s glasses and his scar in it? I wanna follow you on Spotify.


            A story with regular characters. Literally just finished reading it and it was amazing!