
Time for a new name!! To show support for my new story i'm now @A_Federation_Officer 
          	Glory to the Federation!!


To all my hit 'em hard Science Fiction followers!
          A new book has just rolled out of the yards and is ready to see action! The first month's content is ready for upload with more being written every day! It's called The Terran Wars for those of you who want to check it out!
          Let me know what all of you think! Thank you all!


To all followers!! There is a new book out and a new Military in town! I have just released the first short story from my new book, Log Of A StarFighter Pilot. Please head on over and check it out!! Don't forget to comment on what you like or don't like about it! Loyalty to the Federation above all else!!


Life is a bowl of cherries. Some cherries are rotten while others are good; its your job to throw out the rotten ones and forget about them while you enjoy eating the ones that are good! There are two kinds of people: those who choose to throw out the good cherries and wallow in all the rotten ones, and those who choose to throw out all the rotten ones and savor all the good ones.


Hello, thanks for the follow. Do I know you? Have we met?


@VagrantDust hehe. Don't feel bad, I'm just pretty dense when it comes to remembering people.


@VagrantDust *fail* Well this is awkward now....


@VagrantDust huh. I don't recognize you...I'll have to start paying closer attention.


Notice to all readers of Defiance To The Last and A Torn Allegiance. Both stories are being redone. I am scrapping them both. The current ones will stay up until such a time as the new ones come out. I'm hoping for Spring of 2016 to be done with Book Two again. Thank you all.