
Oh I shouldn't be so judgemental. I suppose...


I am sorely disappointed in the current state of humanity. People are no longer interested in art, a virus is elongated due to fear and paranoia; and politics in America is limited to insults and polarized debates. It is sad to say that Wattpad is the best creative platform. This world saddens me to my core. I can only hope that the future holds something unimaginably lucky...


Ah yes, Wattpad, the place where aspiring artists and their creative dreams come to rot and die like forgotten backyard garden vegetables.  Anyway, I appeared from the dark to say I am not writing on here, but I am writing (trying to write) a novel. I genuinely don't expect it to go anywhere, but page 30 is something. I am leaving this website, and I will watch it burn along with the other horrid websites.  Ah, it was a good run, well, not good, quite terrible.


Gosh, this site has gone south. There is a whole undertale category! Why don't we have more great stories with messages like Fahrenheit 451 or 1984? I know we won't have stories as great as those books but, come on? I want to read stories with meat! Stories with a unique setting. The sci-fi category is the best right now. Well anyway, hope I didn't lose all my followers with this message. Probably did. Welp have a nice day.