
@ASTEZ1989 I have a request. Y/n is 18!and she’s performing at her mom’s concert in New York she gets on stage with her guitar and sings Crazier which is a song a lot of people have wanted Taylor to sing anyway Y/n sings and the whole crowd is singing along and Tay is backstage with tears in her eyes she gets an idea and joins Y/n making it a duet after they sing they hug on stage and everyone claps and Y/n makes an announcement that she’s playing Rapunzel in a live action Tangled and she brought the actor who is playing Flynn Rider and it’s Milo Manheim and they sing I see the light after they sing they hug and go off stage Milo sees his Uber is here and says by to Y/n he leaves Tay asks Y/n if she like him and Y/n turns red and says maybe she has a little crush on him but nothing will happen cause he’s too old for her Tay points out that it’s only 4 years and that she’s turning 19 in a month and tells Y/n to call an ask him out Y/n grabs her phone and walks off calling Milo Tay sees her coming back with a big smile on her face Y/n says that he said yes they’re going out on her birthday Tay hugs her telling her she’s so happy for her they pack up and go home to rest.


@ASTEZ1989 I have a new request Y/n is 15 and is about to come out as gay to her Mom and to tell her she has a girlfriend she walks downstairs and sees her mom in the kitchen making dinner she asks her mom if the can talk Taylor says yes and turns off the stove and the sit in the living room Y/n tells her she been wanting to tell her this for a while and hope this won’t change the way she looks at her that’s when Taylor stops her and says “ sweetheart I already know you’re gay “ Y/n asks how Taylor says she suspected it when she was 12 when she watches Star Wars and her cheeks turned red anytime Padme came on screen and tells her she love her no matter what and Y/n starts crying happy tears because her mom accepts her sexuality Taylor pulls her in for a tight hug Y/n then says she has a girlfriend and she want her to meet her Taylor says she would love to and tell her to invite her to dinner tomorrow night Y/n agrees and the enjoy dinner and spend the night in the couch watching Disney movies .


@Superflash2255 uploaded!!! I hope you like it<3


@ASTEZ1989 I have a request for the Taylor Swift book. Y/n is 15 and is watching the Hannah Montana movie and of course her favorite part is when her mom sings she remembers that her mom taught her how to play the guitar and grabs her and sings the same song her mom sang in the movie what she doesn’t is that her mom is outside the door listening to her and crying happy tears she walks in to the room Y/n asks if she heard her and Taylor nods saying she sounds absolutely amazing and just like her when she sang it and hugs her says she’s really proud of the young women she’s becoming and she has a future in the music business.


@Superflash2255 thanks for the idea I have uploaded the chapter . I hope you like it