
This is a major issue.My computer glitches horribly and I’m worried that now they’re finding there way through my electronics.


Hello Donttouch! 
          Sorry, I don't want to intrude, but I noticed you being a follower and reader of fantasy and romance authors. Maybe you’d like to give the supernatural fantasy-romance ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance as well. I’m a fan of her book and I think she deserves more readers and followers. 
          Best Regards theoneandonly


I’m going to do something I know I will regret.
          I will, and don’t know when but I will go out after dark and investigate.I know I probably won’t make it if u do but I’m willing to try.Im not worried about die-ing but I am worried about the fact that I might get kidnapped if not killed by them. I have a weird feeling that I won’t be killed, but then again this could mean something more than what I thought....I’m not too sure at the moment but soon enough I will go out.And I will find out what they want.From me or what they need.I can’t be too sure that I’m gonna be ok.BUT I will find out.And I will discover what they want.


 Sorry madam, I’ve already gone, feel free to see?!


@ANobodyAMistake I don’t know the context, but stay safe and bring a hammer. Hammers are the best legal weapon!


I know I don’t have many followers but, a new story has been released, well not a story.More of the fact that bad thing have been happening that might affect things, like affect them horribly.Moral of the story, this is gunna be a real deal thing, where I share things that are going on right now.What I mean is that Creepypastas are after me, and many others.But o have slender sickness and that’s why I’m writing this, it may be my last few months alive if things get worse in Different ways, if your actually reading this, then I hope you realize what’s really reality and know that these things are true, if your smart enough to believe me then I advise you to read the now and I’m progress chapters called:”My experience with the Creepypastas”. There my true story’s of what’s happening every day, I’ve updated it now 3 times today....I’ve decided to just start posting about it due to thing I will explain later on in the chapters....please go and read them all....if your reading this....