
Here I have it!
          	If you're new, maybe you should check the first book "Smiling Critters: A Turn to the Story".
          	Whether new or not, don't hesitate to put your opinions in the comments!
          	I hope you enjoy it!
          	I just published " Our Team Today. " of my story " Smiling Critters 2: The Story Continues. ".


hey can you friend me on guilded? i cant msg bc im not


@ nixxeyy13  okay, i accepted it already!


@ nixxeyy13  i received ur friend request but rn i gtg to school ;_; so I'll accept it when I return


Hello Cozy !! Time for a review for old time's sake, eh?
          So I read Our Team Today all the way to Hunting The First Prey. I feel like I should've read further but I'm a bit drained today.
          So uh.. first question: Do you not like Pickypiggy or something? Just kiddin but thats something I noticed. They are once again preying on Picky,, Which honestly they did at the right time. I theorize this is most likely something planned, and it'll end up with Picky falling to the hands of revenge-fueled energy again. With how she feels towards Kickin and others, I feel it's bound to happen again. And if it doesn't work, they'll just use manipulation, torture, etc etc. 
          Although, something interesting I thought about
          Even though that fake stunt over the walkie talkie was fake-- I thought bout what the character said. "I tried to flee, but.." and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be the same occurence that happened to Lucky Llama. 
          My extra notes are that i still love Bullybull <33 and also new favorites are Lucky... and thats it lol. Might add on more later but the chapters were amazing as always!!


@ nixxeyy13  thanks for the review! (GOSH I MISSED UR REVIEWS-)


Hey Cozy! Sorry for all these messages, but I have a question.
          Do you think I should make a Wattpad book to show off my **ORIGINAL** stories? (Mainly, my characters, not the story) I've always been afraid to do so especially with the risk of my parents finding my account and forcing me to delete it and whatnot, and also the fear that I might get bullied, and the process that comes with making an OG story (which is different than just an au and stuff..) 
          Just wondering what you think I should do and how I should organize it :)
          ( By the way I MISSED YOU!!!)


@ nixxeyy13  Hello! 
            Well, I think it is a very brave move on your part to try to make a story with your own characters, since it's something a bit more complex than an AU. And of course, I encourage you to try doing it!
            The first thing I advise you is: DON'T GET OBSESSED WITH GETTING THE PERFECT STORY.
            It doesn't have to be perfect the first time! You just do what you need to get the story you expect; the rest will flow on its own.
            The second thing: REMEMBER TO HAVE CLEAR IDEAS.
            To do this, it is best to write it down in drafts on Wattpad itself. You write down the main idea and you will add nuances as they occur to you.
            Don't put pressure on yourself to get stories out quickly or with rushed time frames either. Take the time you need so that each chapter is tailored to your expectations.
            You should also apply all of this to both writing and art (if you plan to make images, which I also encourage u to make!)
            And above all, don't worry about criticism. Take it as something constructive, whether good or bad, that helps you develop your skills.
            I hope this helps! Good luck! ♡♡♡
            (I ALSO MISSED U!!!)


Question, do you happen to have guilded or something (as I don't and cant access discord at the moment) it'd be helpful since I still wanna talk to you (WATTPAD WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS :broken: )




@ANewCozyWriter i cant msg you, can you friend me back :) ?


@ nixxeyy13  k! Just in case u need mine, here's my link!


Hey!! I see you've made a new book!
          Unfortunately I'm a bit tired (burnt out, if you may,) so I may not be able to give you reviews just yet. But! I'm here to encourage you to keep writing and drawing!! (Speaking of your art, it looks AWESOME!!)
          With LOTS of love,


@ nixxeyy13  aww thanks!!! Of course, take your time for that, there's no rush! ♡♡♡


Thank you so much for helping and supporting my story! I think you make fantabulous books too! My personal favorite is; "Smiling critters 2: The story continues"!!! <3


@ Banana_cow20  Thank you very much for supporting my stories, too! I hope we can continue to support each other in future stories! I see that you are an enthusiastic writer and passionate about what you do. I love your story about the Smiling Critters, and without a doubt your OC is super cool! 
            Keep up the excellent work! ♡♡♡


Hi. I'm new on this app. Could you please check out my book and let me know what you think? I'd really appreciate the feedback and criticism.
          Here's the link:


@ Penitreal  sure thing!


Here I have it!
          If you're new, maybe you should check the first book "Smiling Critters: A Turn to the Story".
          Whether new or not, don't hesitate to put your opinions in the comments!
          I hope you enjoy it!
          I just published " Our Team Today. " of my story " Smiling Critters 2: The Story Continues. ".


this message may be offensive
We arrived near the PlayCare cable car station. The wrecked train was still there, but it was completely broken down, with pieces missing everywhere. It was as if it had been completely looted.
          Hoppy went to the cable car. I didn't even dare to step on the platform. I stayed on the tracks, trying to explain to her that returning was playing with our lives and putting them in the hands of chance.
          Obviously, she didn't pay any attention to me.
          She returned shortly after, visibly angry.
          Hoppy Hopscotch: Shit, someone took out the batteries!
          I sighed with relief, although I was very surprised that it didn't have batteries.
          Most likely, they took them away for their sick plans.
          DogDay: Let's go back, come on.
          Hoppy didn't seem convinced, but she agreed to return to Game Station.
          As we walked back, Hoppy started a topic of conversation.
          Hoppy Hopscotch: DogDay, actually...yeah, I want to talk to you about something...
          "Smiling Critters 2: The Story Continues."
          Coming on Friday, May 10...