
Hey ya'll
          	Look I absolutely want to update "When I snap my fingers" but I legit have no ideas. If you could comment or DM me ideas for it that you'd like to see, I'd be super grateful! This can be kinks or scenarios you wanna see. 
          	No guarantee I'll use them but if I like them I definitely will!


Another thought, how about a movie theater scenario? 


Hey ya'll
          Look I absolutely want to update "When I snap my fingers" but I legit have no ideas. If you could comment or DM me ideas for it that you'd like to see, I'd be super grateful! This can be kinks or scenarios you wanna see. 
          No guarantee I'll use them but if I like them I definitely will!


Another thought, how about a movie theater scenario? 


Heyy!!! Sorry to bother you but when are you going to post when I snap my fingers. It has been a long time since u posted it.I am desperately waiting for the next chapter.I hope you are okay well ❤️‍ and fine and doing great in ur life 


@ANameWith69InIt ohh ohk I will wait for new chapter 


@riyuagrawal hi!! I'm honestly not sure when I'll be posting more but dw I'm not abandoning it!


Really sorry to bother you. I just wanted to know how long it takes you to write one of your stories?


@Their-Majesty It depends tbh? Some only take a few hours, some take me a week or two. All depends on my mood, my energy levels, work, and if I have an idea I'm excited about. Definitely helps when I'm not sober, but I'm low-key in recovery which is why updates are slower lol