
What’s up, everybody? I know I’m late, but Episode 10 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published. I’m working on trying to get “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” done so I can get that done and out of the way. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and hope you all have an amazing day!


What’s up, everybody? I know I’m late, but Episode 10 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published. I’m working on trying to get “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” done so I can get that done and out of the way. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and hope you all have an amazing day!


What’s up, everybody? Episode 9 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published. As of right now, I’m still thinking on what I can put to continue the story for “RWBY: A New Evil Rises,” but I’m still planning on getting that story done as soon as possible. As always, I hope you guys enjoy the most recent update to my Star Wars Fanfic and hope you guys have an amazing weekend!


What’s up, everybody? Sorry for the late update for “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph.” Episode 8 is up and published now. Also, I’m definitely gonna try and get another chapter of “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” published as soon as I can. I don’t know when that’ll be given what all went on. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and have an amazing weekend!


What’s up, everybody? So Episode 7 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published, so please feel free to check that out. I also have some more chapters of “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” out right now and will have more chapters out as soon as possible, so please feel free to check those out as well. I hope you all enjoy and have an amazing weekend!


I have an announcement to make. It may be hard for me to say this, but I figured I’d get this out there. I decided I’m officially gonna be quitting Wattpad. I’m gonna be deleting my account shortly after midnight tonight. I’m sorry that it has to end like this, but I figured it’d be for the best. It’s been a fun and wild ride with you guys over the years. I greatly appreciate the support from you guys along the way while I’m writing my Wattpad stories. However, before I close this chapter of my life, I just wanna go on ahead and say…
          APRIL FOOLS, EVERYBODY!!! I’m not quitting Wattpad and I’m never gonna delete it for any reason given. I’ll be continuing to post updates to my Wattpad stories. In fact, I have another chapter of “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” coming tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that update. Have a good night, you guys!


What’s up, everybody? It’s your man, AJC Tiger 2000. I officially have Episode 6 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” published. I also have a few chapters published for my RWBY Fanfic story called “RWBY: A New Evil Rises.” If you’re interested, please feel free to check those out. Hope you guys enjoy and have an amazing weekend!


Happy Friday, everybody! Episode 5 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published. I’m also gonna try and focus on continuing with the story of “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” so I can get that story out of the way. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and hope you guys have an amazing weekend!


How’s it going, everybody? So Episode 4 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been published. I’m hoping and looking forward to work on some more of my RWBY Fanfic stories as soon as possible. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the newly published episode of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” and hope you guys have an awesome weekend!


Happy International Women’s Day, everybody! So Episode 3 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has been posted, so please feel free to check that out. Also, I got finished publishing chapters in my RWBY Fanfic story called “RWBY: Alfa Revelation,” so please feel free to check that out as well. I hope you guys enjoy and hope you guys have an amazing weekend!


How’s it going, everybody? Episode 2 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” has now been published. Also, over the past few days, I’ve been publishing chapters in my RWBY Fanfic story called “RWBY: Alfa Revelation,” as I have chapters published all the way up to Chapter 10. I’m gonna try and get that story finished as soon as possible so that I can work on some of my other RWBY Fanfic stories, so I recommend checking out “RWBY: Alfa Revelation” if you’re interested. I hope you guys enjoy Episode 2 of “Star Wars: A Regiment’s Triumph” and what I have so far for “RWBY: Alfa Revelation” and hope you guys have a fantastic weekend!