
Hey everyone!
          	I'm moving off Wattpad to make all my works available on Ao3 full-time. My username is the same as on here, and you can find all my fics there already! Thank you :)


I have some cool news! Do you want me to write you a custom short story? Do you have an AU you'd like to see come to life, or a character to write a letter to you? Now you can! I'm selling writing (and art!) commissions on Fiverr. My username is @amortentiad. It would be an honor to bring your idea to life. Thanks guys, may the Force be with you, and Mischief Managed.


Hey everyone, I wanted to thank you guys for your patience. I've hardly had any free time to write lately so it's been weeks since I last posted. I will try to get back on a regular schedule. May the Force be with you, and Mischief Managed.


Hey all! Now that school is (effectively) back in session, it's possible I may not be able to update as regularly as I'd like, although I will certainly do my best to bring you content regularly. Between schoolwork, writing, drawing, and life, I may not have as much time as I normally would. So to the few people who frequently interact with my work, just know I appreciate you and have not forgotten about the stories!