
Wattpad just seems so dead without the forums to keep things going and sharing. I struggle to find readers let alone write something. Hopefully with this year 2023 - I'll make a new resolution to continue to write again and publish here. 
          	Been binge watching a lot of Alice in Borderland...perhaps I should start there?


Wattpad just seems so dead without the forums to keep things going and sharing. I struggle to find readers let alone write something. Hopefully with this year 2023 - I'll make a new resolution to continue to write again and publish here. 
          Been binge watching a lot of Alice in Borderland...perhaps I should start there?


Confessions is finally complete! now, before moving on to something new - I am pushing for the finishing touches on "With Broken Wings" A Marvel Fanfic. 
          It was once complete until Wattpad glitched and deleted half of it. Not a fun thing to try and rewrite since it was first published in 2015.


I miss the old Wattpad where the community was thriving and exposure was easy to get. Not this paperless wasteland.


@AFleetingDream_91 Sure! :) If you've got questions feel free to shoot me a DM, I'm happy to answer any questions you have.


@CEJeffery I'll give it a look over though


@CEJeffery I know so little about that site. I don't want to add another connection just to check it out. but I thank you.


Behold. I'm not dead.   
          After being laid off, jobless, and then reignited with new work after months of no money. I'm finally back on my feet, stable and with thoughts of writing. I plan to clean up both my platforms and clean up a few things. Starting with the Completion of "Cubicle Ninja"


A fun new place for writers. Don't worry wattpad is still my home but I want to branch out.


@JaxCreation Okay, if you need help with cover just le time know


@AFleetingDream_91 I'm on it as JaxCreation :) and sure! It'll probably be a while until I publish anything though because I need a new cover for my revamped fantasy story and I'm procrastinating on it, lol


@JaxCreation Oh awesome. Is that your username? I'll subscribe and shoot you a message so we can find each other. - To me that's the best part. You don't know who follows(subscribes you). The only connection we have its through chats, messages and comments...and our Pinboard which is pretty much what this is.
            I'm loving it so far! There's no negativity or drama there. It's peaceful for a yo9ung platform. I do believe I will be spending a lot of my time there.