
Everything will be unpublished 1st of October! Read previous message for more details!
          	You can find me at Ao3, under the name ‘The_Moon_Is_A_Rock’ where I’ve already published one fic. 
          	More is coming soon, but I’ve just started a new school and will potentially move to live on campus within the next couple of weeks. Until everything is fixed and I’ve eased into it updates will be slow.


Everything will be unpublished 1st of October! Read previous message for more details!
          You can find me at Ao3, under the name ‘The_Moon_Is_A_Rock’ where I’ve already published one fic. 
          More is coming soon, but I’ve just started a new school and will potentially move to live on campus within the next couple of weeks. Until everything is fixed and I’ve eased into it updates will be slow.


Thank you all so much for the wonderful time here. I’ve received so many positive comments throughout the years and if it weren’t for you I would’ve never improved my writing as much as I have now.
          Alas, it is time for me to move on. Wattpad is no longer suitable for the type of stuff I want to write and publish. As you all may know, Wattpad has a nasty reputation, and I cannot help but to agree on a lot of the rumors.
          This does not mean goodbye, it simply means I will move to a different place. I’ve thought about doing it before, and now I’m finally taking the step to do so. 
          I’m moving partially because of reasons already explained, but also because I have written stuff in the past I’m no longer proud of. Both the type of stories I have written, certain themes I’ve published I no longer find okay, and also the language. My writing has simply improved and I do not wish to be reminded and know for the stuff I’ve done in the past.
          I’m moving to Ao3, or ArchiveOfOurOwn, where I’ve already started up a new profile and published my first fic. I’m not able to write and publish much as of right now, but I hope I’ll be able to write more soon.
          Thank you all so much for everything. Truly, I appreciate all the nice comments and positive feedback I’ve gotten. Thank you so much!


What about incest?
          What if a father decides to rape his 13 year old daughter and she becomes pregnant. Should she not be allowed an abortion? Should she be punished for not wanting a baby that for certain will be born with great disabilities? Should she be shamed and judged for wanting to remove something that would forever remind her of what her father did?
          How about helping kids that are exposed to abuse before worrying about putting even more in the same position.


*Rant where I talk about suicide, suicidal thoughts e.c.t, please don’t read unless you feel secure enough to do so. Otherwise, keep yourself safe and don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine :)
          When I answer the question:
          “What do you want to do in the future?”
          “I don’t know.”
          It doesn’t mean:
          “I have so many dreams and ideas of what I want to do with my life.”
          It actually means:
          “I’m literally incapable of imagining my future because every time I do I see an endless darkness, a black wall and on bad days I can even see my hanged, stabbed or shot-in-the-head by suicide dead body. Because for years I’ve literally not want the future to happen. I don’t crave it. I don’t want it. And to this day I still believe I will die before I need to worry about it. When I was 14 I thought I was gonna die before I turned 15. When I was 15 I thought I’d die before I turned 16. I always thought I’d die before I turned 18. I didn’t. Now I believe I’ll die before I turn 20. I still believe my death will be of suicide; I’m even certain of it. I don’t know when but I know that it will happen. And honestly? That’s the only thing I can see in the future. That some day I will kill myself.”


this message may be offensive
To everyone who says that today’s generation of youth are lazy and never take any responsibilities, that we are weak and blame everything on trauma and mental illnesses. To you, I just have a quick little message:
          My stepdad moved out of his parents house when he was 16. He did well in school, got a good job. He lives in a relatively big house, most of its size he actually built himself. He also owns a summer cabin where he’s improved its value a lot on the 3 years he’s owned it.
          He also has a son that lived in the basement until he turned 21. Same son took a bunch of drugs, developed a gambling issue and skipped school that my stepdad payed money for. His son got in trouble with the police and failed to show up in court.
          My stepdad himself? Alcoholic. He has a really well-payed job and a big house. But he’s an alcoholic. And he’s a piece of shit towards both me and my mom. Probably towards his ex-wife as well, considering she ended up leaving him. He takes zero responsibility for the people he hurt when he’s drunk. Doesn’t apologize. Doesn’t care. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about quitting despite how much pain he brings to everyone around him.
          Now I may skip school a lot. And I may not have a job. And I may not own a car or care particularly much about getting a driver’s license. But I take full responsibility if I ever accidentally hurt someone. I watch my mouth and study what to say or not say to people of different races, sexualities, gender identities, mental illnesses or diagnoses.
          That’s a responsibility that, in my experience, older generations tend to lack. The responsibility to be a decent human being with decent communication skills. The responsibility to not be an asshat. The responsibility to not make people feel shitty just because you had to state your opinion on something that doesn’t involve you.