
this message may be offensive
My friend js told me there's a possibility my guy friend might like me  1st of all her reason is because he read my extra long paragraph of nonsense that I sent at like 2 am (he didn't read it then) but the thing is I don't think that's valid because I would read anyone's paragraph yk . Also he said he has a dream of me and my crush WHICH HE KNOWS ABOUT AND HAS KNOWN ABOUT SINCE WE MET he said we were on a date and stuff and he asked if I knew my crushes Instagram if not he said he'd do me a favour and find it for me I DO THE SAME SHIT FOR MY FRIENDS  anyone's this is my rant pls let me know if you guys think he likes me because I don't see it we js spam each other with reels and talk and play Roblox rarely that's it idk man [sad face] :/


this message may be offensive
My friend js told me there's a possibility my guy friend might like me  1st of all her reason is because he read my extra long paragraph of nonsense that I sent at like 2 am (he didn't read it then) but the thing is I don't think that's valid because I would read anyone's paragraph yk . Also he said he has a dream of me and my crush WHICH HE KNOWS ABOUT AND HAS KNOWN ABOUT SINCE WE MET he said we were on a date and stuff and he asked if I knew my crushes Instagram if not he said he'd do me a favour and find it for me I DO THE SAME SHIT FOR MY FRIENDS  anyone's this is my rant pls let me know if you guys think he likes me because I don't see it we js spam each other with reels and talk and play Roblox rarely that's it idk man [sad face] :/


It's that time again (my depressive episode) :)


@Ozwaldthebitch I'm good now I js went through a depressive episode at the time but thanks :) <3


@A2_Tired  Are you okay-? My dms are open if you ever need to vent. <3


Guys I do wish to return to regular posting but my life is super hectic and finding time to write is difficult. I will return to posting like crazy one day but that day isn't today, tomorrow, after tomorrow or next month. I'm really sorry if all of you thought I would be a constant uploader and I'm not at the moment. I love you guys and writing my stories even if it's problematic with some. - ❤️


@A2_Tired guys when I return trust you will be sick of me and I will be coming back with tons of books to make up 


@A2_Tired I am also currently lost and am working on finding myself as well which is why it's difficult 


Guys I need advice, so I like this one guy in my math class let's call himmmm Hats, but last night I dreamed that I was hugging this other guy for comfort he's in my 4th period and let's call him blondie. Hats wasn't anywhere in my dream but I still like him like for sure. But why was blondie in my dream???


@little_devil_0220 I've never talked to Blondie I've only talked to Hats so I don't know 


Maybe your brain is telling you talk to blondie your body might’ve picked up on some depression and you didn’t notice and your body is trying to get you to notice


No need to lay hands on him tf , you obviously weren't yelled at as a kid or something likeeee you shouldn't treat you brother like that every single time have some manners you can't be pretty and a b¡tch with a stank attitude 
          Ps I'm not saying it's good to tell at a kid I js mean in a way when they messed up severely or are bullying their sibling yk