

Please for the love of God. Stop asking for updates.
          If you want a damn update, I have a ko-fi and patreon account. I started up work again and I am busy. BUSY!
          Please.... Stop asking for updates.... 


I like to hide. 
            For good reasons...
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@A-Marlene-S  thank you i just seemed that you had abonded all the stories on wattpad and now others might also know where too look
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@Thom399i Just depends on the stories mainly and I am planning on doing a deep clean and a rewrites for some of my stories. Both accounts under the same username
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Update. Massive personal update. 
          I am going to have laser eye surgery soon. I won't be able to type up any of my fics for who knows how much longer now. 
          Please for the love of god, truth and to all the Santos. Please don't beg, ask, or demand for updates. 
          I need time to heal.


@ A-Marlene-S  I hope you can heal. 
            I read some of the fanfiction than you made and I really like them.
            Have a good day
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I will not be updating for some time. I do not need help. I am not writing for La Red right now. I will not be writing it for some time. 
          Any comments or offers of aid or requests for more updates will be ignored or result in a even longer delay in updating. Any questions on it will be ignored. 
          Respect my time away from La Red. Should I update it again in the future, you will know. If you bother me about them I will highly consider deleting and only share with my close friends.


@A-Marlene-S im sorry people are givinf you a hard time.
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I'll update when I'll update. 
          Right now, I am writing a few commissions and they are on the top of my list. 
          Please... for the love that is all holy, stop asking when I'll update La Red. 


@A-Marlene-S just take your time! I wanna know what happens, but completely understand why you haven’t updated.
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@ A-Marlene-S  Take your time, I know that's sacred when it comes to writing, so write those commissions and when the time comes you will update
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