
The last chapter of Phantom of the Apartment is up! Can you believe that? I can't.  It's been a wild ride, and I'm so glad I've gotten to share it with you all. Thank you for everything. I love you guys.


HEY GUYS! Phantom of the Apartment is currently 595 in Paranormal! That's crazy! I'm using a lot of exclamation marks! It's because I'm excited! Thank you all so much for reading this book and supporting me, whether you've been here since the start or just joined in today. This type of thing isn't possible without you. It's been a team effort, every step of the way. Every bit of feedback from you guys makes my day, even if it's just a comment saying "lol" or "rip." I'm so grateful, and I can't wait to finish off this crazy journey with all of you (the end is in sight folks, buckle your seat belts!). So, again, thank you. Y'all are the best.


Hey everyone! Guess who's back from vacation? The new chapter is up, but I just thought I should let you guys know that, for this week and next week at least, updates will be coming on Wednesdays instead of Sundays. Alright, good talk! Enjoy the updates and happy holidays!


Hey guys! Thought you might like to know that I now have both an Instagram profile  and an 8tracks account up and running! I'll be posting updates and other fun stuff related to my books  on Instagram, which you can follow at @8bluedragons! The 8tracks is @8BlueDragons, and I'll be making playlists for my stuff on there. Both links can be found in my bio. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for everything.


Today is November 10th! Why does that matter, you ask? Well, one year ago today, my friend @sevenredpandas stole my phone, claiming there was an app I just had to try. So, with her help, I created my profile on Wattpad. This app has helped me read so many amazing stories and even realize my own dream of being a published author myself. I know I have a long way to go before I'm anywhere close to that, but this place has been a start and I am so grateful for it. I hope you've all enjoyed reading my work as much as I've enjoyed writing it. It's been a crazy ride, and I can't wait to show you all what I've got planned. Thanks for the great year, guys. I hope this one is just as magical.


I would appreciate avoiding that, thanks


You're welcome. 