
Yall just like need to rant but your only rant buddy isnt answering you and you literally have NO ONE else?


Guess who told her homophobic mom shes gay and was told that she has a demon in her and that shes only straight?


@88KitKat271 demons are so much cooler than people


@88KitKat271 homophobes am I right?


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I literally cant do this shit anymore
          Theres ALWAYS something wrong with me
          I’m not smart enough 
          I’m too quiet, or too loud
          I never voice my opinions, or i say them louder than anyone else
          I am to pessimist 
          Too depressed
          I have too much anxiety 
          Im always ‘faking my anxiety’ 
          I overreact too much
          My panic attacks are bothersome
          I’m not ‘sweet’ enough 
          Not the girl i used to be
          Not ‘girly’ enough, not ‘guyish’ enough 
          I’m too wide, too short
          I’m not graceful enough, powerful enough 
          Not beautiful enough 
          I fucking hate my body, I’m too wide for a girl
          My voice is messed up, in musicals i am always the guy part
          I cant dance
          I’m not what other need
          I want to fucking end myself
          I’m. Not. Beautiful. Or. Good. Enough. 
          I’m. Not. Her. 
          And yet, my mother always compares us
          “How long has she been doing this?” “Why arent you at her level?” “Werent you able to do what shes doing?” 
          Mom, please listen. 
          I’m. Not. Her. 
          I used to be, but not anymore
          Want to know why?
          You. Fucking. Killed. Her. 
          Her spirit is crush, her mind is broken, her heart is aching. 
          Her emotions are fake
          And its 
          All. Your. Fault. 


Quick poll: I want to put a song cover up on my tiktok what song do yall want?
          So far i have-
          Freaks-Jordan Clarke
          Not Today-Alessia Cara
          Heather-Conan Gray
          If you have a different song feel free to ask


My Sibling: *obvious dick joke* “And remember kids, size doesn't matter”
          Me: “You can still kill someone no matter how small the knife”
          My Sibling: “Well that was supposed to be a dick joke, but now its about murder”


@88KitKat271 lucky my two older siblings are 24 and 26 but they don't live at my dad's anymore so they are on their own :(


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Its a fucking gReAt day when your ex boyfriend is more supportive about you being pan, demi, and ace than your homophobic mother if you ever told her 


@imaginegivingafoook *hugs u* I wish i could give you a real huggggggg