
@Lhadie0421 @Lhadie0421 hey part 3 is really good its pretty gravy!


Hey! check out my stories?afterlife(Skye may be labeled as the goth girl in school, but she is well loved and has a good heart. But then, one night coming home from work, she stumbles into an alley. Skye is brutally raped&murdered &must spent ninety days on Earth as a ghost.  Skye's story starts at the end of her life.) 
          The Golden Locket Series: Where It All Began[book1] (17 yr old teenager whose in love with her best friend, has to attend classes with a naggy teacher &is trying to get over the loss of her parents death. Oh, did I mention she can manipulate people with her mind &her fate has been planned out for her since birth? Meet Michaela Anne Wilson.)sequel: The Golden Locket Series: Plotting Revenge[book2] 
          Speed Racer(Viktoria doesn’t date, not after what happened the day her father got shot. The only loves of her life are the cars she takes care of while running her deceased father’s mechanic shop. The only thing Viktoria wants to do with her life is become a mechanical engineer, but her mom and her new step asshole of a father won’t let her. Then Viktoria meets Nathan, hot, sexy, car-crazy Nathan. Will Viktoria be able to forgive herself for the mistakes she's made&let herself fall in love?)
          Behind Closed Curtains(Brooklyn’s world has been flipped upside down. Her mother left her &her father. Her father made her quit volleyball, her one true love, &now? Brooklyn lives in fear. Her father beats her, drinks too much &smokes. Will Brooklyn be able to face her inner demon in order to save herself from the man she thought was programmed to love her.)
          Don’t Die On Me(Four ex-best friends, who never really got over their broken friendship. Abby stole Vallerie’s boyfriend. Emilia has become popular &Ava was diagnosed with cancer. These girls used to be the ‘Fantastic Four’ but can they get over their differences and become friendly for their dying friend’s sake? Or is their friendship too far gone to be fixed?)
          thanks! the favor will be greatly returned!


Welcome to Wattpad!
          Like vampire stories? Well, sink your teeth into this! ',..,'
          'The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan'
          ^ My story follows a teenage runaway, who sells her body to make a living. And her not so average life is about to get even more bizarre when she meets a guy who gives her a little more then she bargained for. ;-)
          -- Emma.