
Wow uuuuuh it's been a while huh? Only like... 4 years... I hope everyone is doing well! Over the last few months, I've gotten back into fanfiction, and it drew me back here and wowza, I was NOT expecting to see so many reads on Rejects! Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! I can't even begin to describe how incredible that makes me feel. 
          	And while I've gotten back into fanfiction, it's not in the 5SOS fandom, unfortunately. I have started writing for Haikyuu!! and My Hero Academia on Tumblr actually! I was thinking I might start posting my pieces from there on here as well and see how that goes because why not right? 
          	IN ADDITION: My big announcement is that I want to rewrite Rejects! I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few weeks since I came on here and started rereading it and couldn't stop cringing. I want to make it so they're not quite so cringey, and possibly set it so that they're in college, though I'm not sure whether or not I'll do that. I have to work it through in private first, and I won't do that "update it chapter by chapter" thing, I'm going to rewrite it all then update it all at once if I end up doing it. 
          	Please let me know what you guys think about that idea, if you like it the way it is I won't change it but if not I'd love to make it even better than it already is (it's still kinda my magnum opus and I'm very proud of it, I just think it could be a little more mature lol) So yeah comment down below what you think! Love you babes <3


Wow uuuuuh it's been a while huh? Only like... 4 years... I hope everyone is doing well! Over the last few months, I've gotten back into fanfiction, and it drew me back here and wowza, I was NOT expecting to see so many reads on Rejects! Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! I can't even begin to describe how incredible that makes me feel. 
          And while I've gotten back into fanfiction, it's not in the 5SOS fandom, unfortunately. I have started writing for Haikyuu!! and My Hero Academia on Tumblr actually! I was thinking I might start posting my pieces from there on here as well and see how that goes because why not right? 
          IN ADDITION: My big announcement is that I want to rewrite Rejects! I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few weeks since I came on here and started rereading it and couldn't stop cringing. I want to make it so they're not quite so cringey, and possibly set it so that they're in college, though I'm not sure whether or not I'll do that. I have to work it through in private first, and I won't do that "update it chapter by chapter" thing, I'm going to rewrite it all then update it all at once if I end up doing it. 
          Please let me know what you guys think about that idea, if you like it the way it is I won't change it but if not I'd love to make it even better than it already is (it's still kinda my magnum opus and I'm very proud of it, I just think it could be a little more mature lol) So yeah comment down below what you think! Love you babes <3


*taps microphone* h-hello? Is this thing on? Oh...it is? Ok, well hi there...it's me, your friendly neighborhood author, comin atcha from my bed while I'm chillin and trying to do stuff with my life. How are ya? Good? I hope so. 
          So I just wanna check in, let you all know I'm not actually dead even though I haven't been on since November 15 apparently... I just got out of school (finals were super stressful and didn't go well, but I honestly just accepted the giant L that was given to me lol). I'm actually planning on trying to write some over break, because y'know.... I haven't in ages.... I have some good ideas so hopefully something will happen with one story. Or maybe multiple. Who knows.
          I love you all and happy holidays! Thanks for your continued love and support!!
          ~CC xoxo


Good morning/evening my beautiful people!! 
          Quick thing I wanna say right now: thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. 
          "For what?" You may ask.well, for getting me to 600 followers, somehow, I'm really not sure how. But it's chill y'know? It's whatever. I'm TOTALLY not like rolling on the floor hyperventilating from happiness. 
          AND ON TOP OF THAT....... 'Rejects' is at 178K....................... How the hell did that happen? Wasn't it just at like 500 reads a few months ago? Like......... There's less than 22,000 reads before its at 200K and that's a number that I seriously cannot comprehend. Like I've met several people irl who have read my story (and two of them go to my school which was kinda weird at first but we're friends now so it's all good). Honestly, you guys have impacted me so much and I couldn't ask for better friends, because that's what I see you all as. 
          Well, time to work on NaNoWriMo stuff, which I probably will be posting on here even though it's not a fanfic (for once in my life )
          I love you and I wish you ALL the happiness. As my friend says, have a super sparkly day!! 


Hello my lovely friends! 
          A quick little update for you all: I'm slowly getting over my writer's block for real now. 
          *person in the front row*: Say it louder for the people in the back!
          *me at the top of my lungs*: IM GETTING THROUGH MY WRITERS BLOCK GUYS. IM ACTUALLY BEING PRODUCTIVE ON LOSERS! AND I HAVE A COMPLETELY ORIGINAL STORY (surprisingly not a fanfic) IN THE WORKS. I HAVE HUGe plans for NaNoWriMo this year, since I will be participating. And maybe this new story is just the thing to stir up the mud at the bottom of the pond, maybe it's something else. But I don't think anyone is more excited about this than me. 
          Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm alive and actually writing again. I love you all so very much and you'll be hearing from me soon, hopefully this time in a chapter update ;)
          ~CC xoxo


Hey lovely people. So I was reading over Rejects to find places to edit/typos to fix, and I discovered how utterly cringe-worthy chapter sixteen is (when Luke and Kara are texting and using a bunch of emoticons.) I've decided to go back and rewrite that one and any others I happen upon, because let's just say the last time I edited that chapter was in April of last year. Needless to say that my writing style has changed a lot since then so I need to fix it (plus a few of you guys have noted how they seem like 12 year olds texting back and forth, which they do....)
          So yeah that's pretty much all I have to say. I love you all, stay away from boys because they're all just confusing and oblivious and don't know how to pick uP THE MOST OBVIOUS HINTS EVER (sorry I'm having some problems right now with a guy), and be happy. 


Interesting fact I learned from tumblr twenty minutes ago: apparently it's fanfic author appreciation day today. 
          I did not know this was a thing, but here are posts all over my dash of people recommending and showing their appreciation for their favorite authors. So I figured I'd come on here and do something like that. 
          The two authors of like to point out first are my irl best friend and the person I mention literally all the time (and I'll never stop. I swear it.) is @jkervs1234. This little cinnamon roll is perfect in every way. I love her writing and she deserves the world on a silver platter. Or a date with Niall Horan. Either would work for her. So go check her out *shamelessly promotes her* because she's great. 
          The second author is a huge inspiration to me. We frequently talk on Twitter as well as on here (mostly in her stories' comments) and I love her to death and wish I knew her irl. That lovely human bean is @mallowmashton. Her stories are super popular, but she has done everything to deserve the popularity. I honestly just can't even describe how amazing her writing is. I recommend all of her books because they're long, so they leave you feeling satisfied, and they should honestly just be published novels at this point because of how good they are. I just love Hanna and I miss her because we haven't talked for a hot minute. 
          On another note, I wanna thank you guys. Without readers, online forum authors would have no reason to write, so it should also be reader appreciation day too. You guys make me so happy, even when I'm trying to do things on my phone and I can't because oF THE NOTIFICATION BAR COVERING THE TOP OF THE SCREEN BUT I'm just (mostly) joking. It's ok. Because you guys make me happy. 
          Well this is getting kinda long, so I'll end with my normal spiel of how I just have an undying fountain of love for you all in my heart. Have a great night/day!!
          ~CC xo