
          	After ages, I have updated Love between you and me, Forever in my heart and Titan:The Defender 
          	The updates are sort of fillers. Read and comment  your views also vote if you like it. 
          	I am swamped with work just like any other adult and is going through early life crisis. So writing drafts has tumbled down to the lowest position in my to do list. Yet I am very humbled to see that there are still people reading my work and waiting for more. I am truly grateful to all of you for being here despite my tardiness and emotional set back :)
          	 I do hope that these short updates, at the very least, brings a tiniest smile on your face. The same way your messages and comments do for me. 
          	" I were living in abyss, forgetting my whole self....your words made me aware that there's still you who remember me"


Hi...thank you so much for following me....it really means a lot to me...I hope you enjoy my stories...happy reading ❤️❤️


@gonzoM hi!! Your story makes me really  happy:) Thank you for writing these wonderful stories❤️❤️
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          After ages, I have updated Love between you and me, Forever in my heart and Titan:The Defender 
          The updates are sort of fillers. Read and comment  your views also vote if you like it. 
          I am swamped with work just like any other adult and is going through early life crisis. So writing drafts has tumbled down to the lowest position in my to do list. Yet I am very humbled to see that there are still people reading my work and waiting for more. I am truly grateful to all of you for being here despite my tardiness and emotional set back :)
           I do hope that these short updates, at the very least, brings a tiniest smile on your face. The same way your messages and comments do for me. 
          " I were living in abyss, forgetting my whole self....your words made me aware that there's still you who remember me"


Hey my lovely readers!!
          Though my life is still in chaos, I have managed to write a short update on  Love You Hate You. Read it and if you enjoy it please share your views. You can also cast votes if you wish to.
           Lots of love and wishes and virtual hugs to all❤️❤️❤️❤️


          How are my lovely readers doing?? 
          I have updated Love you, Hate you. I had also updated Forever in my heart 1 or 2 week back but haven't posted any notification. Telling you just in case you all haven't added the story to library.  
          Now some chatting from me.
           I don't know what am I writing anymore. I have left next to no motivation for anything. So, forgive me if the updates aren't good which they aren't for sure. In past I used to write drafts like crazy but now a days it feels like a TAASSKK, Idk why though? I truly want to finish my FIMH, LYHY and LBYM and get on with Titan :The defender and SHADES OF RAINBOW. But nothing is working. Most of the time I am so worn out to type a single word, and other times it's my brain which stops functioning altogether. Is there any way to get out of this fluke? May be I am just depressed, lonely or something?? May be because am having life crisis?? It's just so frustrating and bothersome. What you guys do when something like this happens to you?? Does this happens to all?? Or is it just me?? 


@557damon, maybe you need some motivation, take a walk in the garden/park/quiet place, drink sufficient water, and write down your important tasks in the morning... maybe if you start by little things like making a schedule, etc. And organize your works, then you will feel more in control. Also, sleeping early and getting enough sleep (7 hours) might help with rebooting and regulating your thoughts. Do aerobic exercises (like skipping/running) for half an hour daily and take also take good rest. :) All this might help you. Try it. 
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@557damon  it happens to every one and I m sure u will b ok. Take courage and face whatever obstacle u encounter the best u can. All the best ❤
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@557damon it happens to everyone. Don't think too much. Not everyday is a bad day. You will be okay soon. We will wait here. Take care ❤️
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          First of all lots of thanks to those who are still reading my books despite the non existent updating. I have realised that I am publishing less and less as time is passing more. I have no excuse except that I lack ideas  and vision on how to narrate my stories further. That's why the updates are being delayed more and more. Anyways, I am still very much grateful to all of you for giving your time to my work. 
          I have updated FIMH in ages. It's just a filler, but I do hope you guys read, vote and post your comments on it.
          Love you a lot!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Happy New Year friends!!!
          I have updated FOREVER IN MY HEART. Do read and enjoy. Also give your feedbacks. 
          Also lots of thank you for all those messages. Your kind words always make me smile more:)
          Love you guys!!!!❤️❤️❤️


@557damon Happy New year ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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