
Hello hello! So, on my other account, I have created a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus book, and I have decided to link it here for anyone who wants to read it! (Aka, it is getting little to no reads and I'm desperate ) 
          	Hope you enjoy those that read it! 


Hello hello! So, on my other account, I have created a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus book, and I have decided to link it here for anyone who wants to read it! (Aka, it is getting little to no reads and I'm desperate ) 
          Hope you enjoy those that read it! 


Ok, so I desperately need inspiration to write, so I'm gonna list all of the stories that have been sitting in my drafts for a good year or so and ask y'all which one you'd be more interested in seeing, and I'll work in that 
          Nimoma OC instert/OC X OC
          The Sea Beast Jacob Holland X OC
          Descendants Trilogy OC insert/OC X OC
          How to Train your Dragon OC insert/Erik Son of Erik X OC
          Coraline OC insert
          Strange Magic OC X OC
          Big Hero 6 OC insert
          Treasure Planet Jim Hawkins X OC
          Finally Rise of the Gaurdains Jack Frost X OC
          So pls respond, and I will go in order of most popular to least 
          xoxo to you all for dealing with me 


Will you do My Little Pony: Make Your Mark book?


@Icysnowflake1 np, thxs for enjoying it enough to want more! 


Ok, thank for telling me. 


@Icysnowflake1 No, I'm not gonna do series for any of the movies I do that have them. If the movie is part of a trilogy or something, then I would be doing those other ones, but no series, sorry. If you want stories I do about series so to speak (a game series more like) I have the link to that other account in my bio if you want to check it out


Hiiii~ so sorry to both y'all lovely people, but I am desperate for reach, so I'm just gonna link my book for my other account for y'all, mk? Mk, thank you for enduring me lol (ps idk how to make the link all pretty and stuff so sorry) https://www.wattpad.com/story/335385423?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=456meg&wp_originator=l%2FK9SBicgatOgcHmfw4iLoHYO0RyHdLbgDd3RRiQzEzmzuOu3tLfGHPn4BFWoCe81iaVFWzYFjs0FsA0403fJbyMC3J83WiV28EfaM8UaTM2my%2Bq6zVfgAQajC77BdiL


@456meg .... I meant bother btw