
Chapter posted! Sorry for the wait and I really hope you enjoy it! 


Putting it here so I'll do it - new chapter of TMS either today or tomorrow! Thanks for your patience!


@mam2010 and it’s up! I’m glad you think so and hope you enjoy! 


Best news of the weekend! 


Let’s go Lando!


@33hedgehog16 hands down best race of the year, i was so excited!!


It was worth watching. Loving little Lando. !!!!


I lied! I haven't been able to write or edit anything for the book. My head is just not in it at the moment, so I think I will unofficially pause on all writing. It's not just this story - it's all of them. For me, none of the stories and writing recently are as good as my other ones and the stories/chapters aren't coming to me the way they used to (I think a side effect of being ill recently and also just being busy)... I'm not comfortable finishing the TMS story at the moment or publishing any more chapters until I figure out where they're going... so a pause on all writing it is! Thanks for all the love and I hope that I'll be back - but I can't promise anything...


@33hedgehog16 we'll be ready when you are! Always prioritise yourself!!


prioritize you, the stories can wait. 


Take your time, we will be here waiting!


I’ll be honest - I haven’t actually written a new chapter of TMS in well over a month and it’s been even longer since I wrote something I like! I really want to continue with the story but I think I’ve sort of hit a rut where I don’t know where the story is going and that’s why it’s stalled. The brain fog I got/have after being ill has really disconnected me from the characters and the story which makes it so difficult to write. 
          I’ll be honest, I don’t like the last couple of chapters I’ve shared and that’s also put me in a rut. I want to update this weekend but I don’t want to publish another bad chapter so we will see! I also desperately want to actually write a chapter lol so I can try and get back into the right mindset … but yeah :) have a great miami weekend! fingers crossed for a good race weekend!!
          But yeah - just a little update and explanation!


I have found the recent chapters great! I personally think the progression of the relationship has been natural. Excited to see what’s in storage now that the press knows! 


I’m beginning to feel better, my big work project is over, one interview down with the next one to be done on Tuesday… and all of this means that I’m determined to get a new chapter out at some point this weekend! I have no idea when but it is going to happen (hopefully)! I have legitimately not even written in two weeks which has sucked but hopefully I can get back to it soon! Happy weekend when it comes!


Glad you are feeling better! I am procrastinating on some work projects, so envy you right now haha


I am incredibly ill with a fever and stuff at the moment! I will update as soon as possible I just can’t do it right now because chapters need to be fixed! 


Hope you’re feeling better soon!!


Hope you start getting better soon. Send my love. 