
Hey guys! I know I've been gone writing wise for a long time so here's what I got. If any of you might read this... Should I start another story? If so, on what? I feel inspired all of a sudden to write, so if I could get a few opinions on what topic/genre? I'm not sure if any of you will reply, but I'm just putting it out there! Thank you anyway! 


Hey guys! I know I've been gone writing wise for a long time so here's what I got. If any of you might read this... Should I start another story? If so, on what? I feel inspired all of a sudden to write, so if I could get a few opinions on what topic/genre? I'm not sure if any of you will reply, but I'm just putting it out there! Thank you anyway! 


I'm feeling pretty sentimental today okay. I hit 60,000 reads last night on The Line and I just want to say thank you because of how much you've helped me. 
          Not only that, it's the fact that you like talking to me and vice versa, we have such funny chats on kik and even though you're 3 years younger I feel like you're my twin. 
          As well as helping me with ideas for chapters and what not, you motivated me to get off my backside and start writing again after I took my very long hiatus...
          So thank you Meg. I love you lots and lots and looooots. I'll always be here for you, I hope you know that.♥