
Maaannnnn I frigging hate the car scène in obx :( poor JJ


love the themeeee


Changed my pfp for the first time in 2 years... But here's a new themeeee


@champagnelovers-  haha he might come back one day lol. BUT THANK YOUUUU


Hi loves, Happy Sundayyyy
          today again an pinterest inspired post. 
          So, this pin tells us to let God figuere it out. If you really think about it, it's pretty cool! We can tell Him what's wrong, and then He asks us to not worry about it anymore! leave it in His hands. He heard you, and He'll take care of it in the way He knows is rights. So why do we keep taking it back? keep worrying about it? There are quite a few examples from the Bible who do the same. 
          God promised Abraham as many childeren as the stars, but when it took to long, he and Sara thought they'd fix it and let Abraham sleep with his slave/maid. And Jacob and Rebecca did the same. God promised Jacob the first born rights, but Rebecca told Jacob to lie to his father to make sure he got it. And so there are many more. And yk what is common in those situations? They always end up going wrong.
          So tell everything that you need, that you're worrying about, that's going wrong, to Him. And then trust Him with it. And if you find it hard to let it go, tell Him! "God, I know I gave it to you, but I just can't put it to rest. Will you please help me to let go of it and give it to You, 100%?" Cause He knows. He knows how you feel about it, He knows what you want, what you think that the best solution is, and He knows what the best solution is. So if you pray for it and you don't get it, then you didn't need it. Or look a little closer. You prayed for patience? Maybe suddenly your younger sibling starts annoying you more. There you go, a great way to practice your patience.  He doesn't always gives us what we want in the ways we think we need it. 
          So keep praying, give it to Him, and keep watching. And thank Him. Thank Him that He gave you what you asked for, and thank Him if He didn't. 
          Jesus loves you, I love you and stay strong. Ask me anything <333
          Xx Jessica


Hey love, hru??
          We haven't talked in a bit (T-T)


@1DgirlObVioUslY28 SLEEP WELL!!
            YEAH TALK SOON XX


@ElfishPNutButter <3333 gonna go to bed now. Ly talk to you soon (hopefully) Xx


Zayn's gonna do a US and UK tour!!!!!! I hope he'll do an Europe and India tour later, but for now, everyone that can go, good luck for the ticket fight when they come onlineeee


@astrocado  wow that's so cool!! Love that for you


@1DgirlObVioUslY28 I was at the superbloom with my sister and we waited 3 hours on a good place and I love her for that. I mean we could’ve done so many cool other things but we waited three hours and my mom were somewhere around but not with us and she told me she slept during his performance haha and I love my sister that she knew some songs I was rlly surprised


@astrocado  I went with my aunt last year (to Niall). Just ask some people, give it a try. It's worth itttt