
Attention to all wattpad readers that see this message. There is someone that goes by the user name, BilitAnant, and all the stories on his profile are ones that he stole from real talented writers. I mean he literally copy pasted other people's work and posted it on his profile while trying to pass it off as his own.
          And when people called him out on his plagiarism and how he crossed a line, he literally said that he didn't cared. And here's the proof, a tweet from one of writers that BilitAnant stole from.
          So, if you see any of BilitAnant's knock off stories, ignore them and his profile completely. 
          And Please, spread the word about BilitAnant and his plagiarism by copying and pasting this entire message and reposting it on your profiles for all your followers to see and so they can repost it as well. And please also repost it on the profiles you yourself follow so they can do the same.


Okay everyone, I have a question I’ve been wanting get off my chest: if Danmachi, Delicious in Dungeon, Reincarnated as a Slime, Dragon’s Dogma and Goblin Slayer were in the same universe/world, what would we as writers and readers call this world? It’s been bugging me for some time now.


@1102Smeagol alright and plz continue until the final series.


And looking after the dogs.


@animemaster212 hopefully soon. I’m really busy with my job at Boston Tea Party at the moment.