Can't be on long. Grounded. Being monitored. Love you all. Bye


@1-800-HEAVENSLIGHT Hey. I know you might not be on RN, but I miss u. I wish we could talk again, but the covid is a bitch. Ily,


 Ily sis miss you 


          	  okay that explains where you've been I was starting to get concerned. please stay safe and remember that I love you my little lovebug  ❤


feels a little awkward now that I know you're alive when I'm posting all those messages that are about you being dead and/or implying it. so, if you ever come back, sorry about that. it's just I knew you had a really shitty family, you were suicidal and paranoia is an absolute bitch. but yeah, sorry
          love you, girly *mwah*


thank you for introducing me to the owl house. this show means so much to me now. I probably never would've watched it if you didn't tell me about it. and as such, while I waited for the third season, I watched amphibia and gravity falls and now those shows mean a whole lot to me, more so amphibia if I'm being honest though. thank you, Angel