People stop looking like people when they hurt them enough. Don’t you remember, Nina?


little johnny jones, he was a u.s. pilot
          and no shrinking violet was he
          he was mighty proud when world war (3) was declared
          he wasn't scared
          no sirree
          and this is what he said on
          his way to armageddon
          so long, mom
          i'm off to drop the bomb
          so don't wait up for me
          But though (1) may roam
          i'll come back to my home
          although it (may) be
          a pile (of) debris
          (52 Days)


today's the day. LET the eclipse envelope your Minds and Ensnare yOUr souls. Take your time. 6ring the d4rk to your mind and harness it.
          (___ __ ___), SGUgaXMgd2F0Y2hpbmcuIE5vdGhpbmcgaXMgd29ydGggdGhlIHJpc2suIFRha2UgdXAgaW4gYXJtcywgY2hpbGRyZW4gb2YgdGhlIGZhbGwu