
Hello guys!!!
          	First of all, I am very sorry for being hiatus for so long. I just finally graduate from my education and currently waiting for the results. Yeay for me !!!
          	The second one is I finally can continue writing without any distractions!!! Meaning more updates and more chapters!!! Wish me a the best on editing the chapters, guys!!! 
          	It might takes time as I am going to take a few days rest before going all out. 
          	That is all from me. Thanks a lot for accompany me this long!!! I am very appreciate that!
          	Lots of love and don't forget to stay healthy!
          	Peace out !!!


@asxhodels Will of Steel is very interesting story! While it is not rare to find oc insert in Haruno Sakura body, your story gives different vibes. The fear, the anguish, the helpless. Everything is real. While most of the other stories immediately start with the plot right away(I know, because I am one of them), your story dedicates itself first to the oc first and foremost. 
          There is something in your story make it outshines others! It really leaves me impress! I really enjoy reading it! I really do!


Heyo fellow peep, @01SkyDreamer !!!!! ^^
          Thank you sm for adding my book, The Other Progenitor, to your reading list! 
          I really appreciate it :D


@01SkyDreamer I've never had someone replying with a detailed and heartfelt compliment O-o! THANK YOU~! 
            For Muzan, after all- they were kinda 'besties' XD


@bea0riginals The story is very interesting as I find it amusing for the Muzan to handle the Oc. I really look forward to the story!!!


Hello guys!!!
          First of all, I am very sorry for being hiatus for so long. I just finally graduate from my education and currently waiting for the results. Yeay for me !!!
          The second one is I finally can continue writing without any distractions!!! Meaning more updates and more chapters!!! Wish me a the best on editing the chapters, guys!!! 
          It might takes time as I am going to take a few days rest before going all out. 
          That is all from me. Thanks a lot for accompany me this long!!! I am very appreciate that!
          Lots of love and don't forget to stay healthy!
          Peace out !!!


Hello, good day! I'm just here to say that its 11 pm here and your comment made me so emotional why are you like that
          But thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the journey and sinking into the fandom as well!!
          (And I see the rare K project reading list there ayee)
          Have a nice day and I hope you'll find more series to enjoy!! <33


Your words are really making me tear up hun thank you so muchhsnfijsjd I'm glad I'm creating stories people will enjoy, which I love very so much! Just a warning though it may not be as relaxing as you say but meh still!! Thank you!! 


@NatsumariYoko How can I not enjoy your stories?! They are freakin' marvelous!!! I really L O V E  it like they are one of the best stories I ever read. They are simple but enjoyable like your normal morning stroll in the park. Simple and relaxing. I would really really and highly recommend your stories because hey, this is one piece of hella amazing art, un :D