
me when i was 13: i bet i’m gonna live in la and be a rich artist when i’m an adult
          	me, age 21: *stuck in my hometown, struggling in college, still writing fanfiction*


Hi there!
          I don't know if you remember me, but I was translating your story 'Money Trees'.
          I just wanted to know if I can continue translating it or, now that I remind you, you want me to delete it.
          I hope there is no problem in continuing to translate it, but if there is, no problem.
          I look forward to your reply. 
          have a nice day <3


@-windsandstars | thank you very much! have a nice day <3


you can totally continue translating it <3333 


tempted to turn one of my glenn fic wips into a throuple with glenn x maggie x oc… thoughts? 


Are you planning on ever picking up money trees again? 
          If not, just want you to know it's a great book, and ummm I enjoyed it even if I read it 2 years late.
          Also, who was the final love interest supposed to be?


@saltyburn unlikely that i’ll ever finish it because the gg reboot got cancelled. i had an AT LEAST 3 season arc planned for cj, but alas. and i planned for the final love interest(s) to be audrey and aki!


made new covers for “of the right” and “when they come”… mayhaps i’m cooking up a new chapter after like 2 years…


  @ -windsandstars  I agree it's so good oml


I’m late as hell to seeing this but just wanted to say of the right and when they coke is my favorite Glenn fic of all time it’s so hard to find good glenn fics and honestly it’s probably my favorite twd fic too


Oooo girl I’m ready