

are you back on this account?
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I'm trying to find your account @theatricalwriter but I can't find it. I really want to read something - stranger things because it seems so interesting. Have you deleted the account. If not can you send me the link to the account or something



are you back on this account?
जवाब दें


To all my followers, please read this for me.
          So, it's been a while. After the whole drama thing that I unnecessarily initiated- trust me when I say that I've moved on from being that immature after a rude awakening- I thought it was best to just get off for a while. Not to mention that I'm now a junior in high school now and anyone who is or once was a junior knows the stress that comes with that title.
          I'm planning on starting all of this over. I made a new account @theatricalwriter with a different layout and all of that stuff. I just want a fresh start. I won't be continuing some of my books on the new account but I plan on giving those that won't be completed an outline on what I wanted to happen. It might take a while to get a steady schedule but I'm going to try and make it work. 
          Yeah, it seems dumb to want to make a whole new account for something like this, but it's just something I want to do. It just feels right, you know? Probably a bit dramatic but I'm a theatre kid so I suppose I live. Thank you all for reading this if you did, it means a lot.


@lycanthropy oh gosh thank you!! i was pretty worried that it would come off that way given my past reputation so tysm ❤
जवाब दें


@-wickedthings hello there! im not exactly a follower but i have been ghost reading for a while bc of sheer curiosity (im so sorry for that lmao but i think it's bc of the musical theatre awareness you're making in your books :")) but i just want to say that your dramatics are perfectly justifiable!! it's okay fam! just so you know, im right here if you need something <3
जवाब दें


यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है
how many more students have to die? how many more teachers have to die? how many more of us- kids in schools, places where we're supposed to feel safe- have to die before the government wakes up? too many lives have been taken by gun violence. allow families to have shotguns in homes for protection but do NOT allow people to walk into a gun store and walk out with an assault rifle. those are not for protection; they're only made to harm and kill. and they've helped mentally ill people kill hundreds in our society. and how can our president release a single video on his "thoughts and prayers" then proceed to boast about america's coal industry? stop thinking we're this perfect nation when that's farthest from the truth and do something to keep us safe from people who committed crimes like parkland, like santa fe, like orlando and hundreds of others that could've been avoided if our government just woke the hell up and saw this nation for what it really is! but no, you want to talk about our bombs and war when there's enough war happening on our own soil because people are so mentally ill that they think revenge is the only way of redemption. this doesn't have a lot of meaning in terms of making differences, but our voices must be heard. we can't stand back and let more people die.


the fact that ur reading list is named after lines from like every musical , makes me supa happy


@jorahmormonts ❤❤❤ they're honestly my life and I know I sound basic like that but seriously 
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