
Hello, I've just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going quiet for a while. Mostly because of the spreading virus that is going around. A family member of mine is dearly sick and I'm getting backed up on a bunch of school work. It's just really hard for me to even update anything for right now. But I do have a close friend who has offered to continue my writing for me. Definitely go check out her profile! @-voidforbes


@-voidnelson I really do hope Molly gets better very soon.


Hello, I've just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going quiet for a while. Mostly because of the spreading virus that is going around. A family member of mine is dearly sick and I'm getting backed up on a bunch of school work. It's just really hard for me to even update anything for right now. But I do have a close friend who has offered to continue my writing for me. Definitely go check out her profile! @-voidforbes


@-voidnelson I really do hope Molly gets better very soon.