
None of the love island guys are up to my standards and I’ve never heard of Joe Essex before this but oh well


Watch the Australian love island but the old seasons it’s such a guilty pleasure 


          guys I’m putting something in the works and the girls love interest is an older man in power who is like also kinda scary and I want the title to be a song but idk. I was deciding between delicate and don’t blame me by Taylor swift but if y’all have any other suggestions then please lmk!!


Omg since u wanna write paragraphs about one or two things u didn’t like in my book, literally grow up if u don’t like it find something else to read. It’s like u expected me to change my whole dialogue for u. 


@-slumberparties again I didn’t come at you and I told you what I meant but you still insulted me and claimed that I didn’t like stuff. Just get off my page now please cuz I’m not abt to keep talking to someone who can’t have a mature conversation. 


Like literally tell someone who cares like thx I guess watch the way u come at ppl like ppl r gonna take things differently than u expect them to bfrl


It’s the way I literally told you I liked ur whole book. I literally asked a question about one part cuz I was confused…ur grasping at straws atp


The way people on this app can be so rude after you ask a simple question…it’s wiled to me cuz apparently I’m a “failed abortion” now LMAO 


@-slumberparties ur right I am bored, so thx for reminding me to do some chores. And don’t think I can’t see how ur avoiding the fact that ur literally wrong.


theres a reason they have so many books but none of them have any traction. God dont like ugly smh. just block em and move on fren ❤️


If y’all didn’t already know then my austin moon fanfic got taken down by me cuz I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. I came up with the idea when I didn’t have much experience and I also had no idea how to even integrate Lilah into the story. So last year I started working on redoing it as a glee fanfic and I’m proud to say that it will come out this spring!! I cant wait for y’all to read it because I absolutely love glee with my whole entire being. Also ariana came out with a new album which is a 10/10 and also gave me that extra push to really get it done!!


Hey sorry I haven’t updated “adore you” in a week but as y’all know it’s Christmas and I’ve been with family while also being sick most of the winter break. I’m not sure when I will 100% be better but I’ll try and update when I can.