
hello my lovelies!
          	I am so so terrible at maintaining a real presence here, but I'm not entirely gone! if you haven't noticed, I did some cover switches, which is cool, but that's not the coolest part:
          	what would you say if I told you I've been working on a brand new project while also expanding the "awkward" universe? I know that I promised to dedicate my time and energy to Awkward Firsts, (which I have, I just haven't been updating, haha oops) but I've also been sitting on a project for a loooong time and I've used a good chunk of 2020 fleshing it out.
          	so here's what you need to know: I will NOT be posting anything for AF or for this new project until 2021, BUT once we hit January, all bets are off :)))) if you'd like, let me know what you want to see first!
          	also, please please stay safe and healthy, and as always, I'm here (floating around somewhere) if anyone needs to talk.
          	much love <3


hello my lovelies!
          I am so so terrible at maintaining a real presence here, but I'm not entirely gone! if you haven't noticed, I did some cover switches, which is cool, but that's not the coolest part:
          what would you say if I told you I've been working on a brand new project while also expanding the "awkward" universe? I know that I promised to dedicate my time and energy to Awkward Firsts, (which I have, I just haven't been updating, haha oops) but I've also been sitting on a project for a loooong time and I've used a good chunk of 2020 fleshing it out.
          so here's what you need to know: I will NOT be posting anything for AF or for this new project until 2021, BUT once we hit January, all bets are off :)))) if you'd like, let me know what you want to see first!
          also, please please stay safe and healthy, and as always, I'm here (floating around somewhere) if anyone needs to talk.
          much love <3


Hi just wanted to mention that your username is a book I own and I ought to soon read


@Linara4522 what else have you read?


@Linara4522 now I feel like I should reread it lol, but that’s really cool that she was an inspiration to you :)


@Linara4522 i JUST reread it and it's amazing I fell in love again with leigh bardugo's writing. She's the one that inspired me to write in multiple Povs. 


N O T E :
          hello my loves! updates!
          Moving Forward has been FINISHED. as in, updated in FULL. it is DONE. (took me long enough lol)
          Awkward Firsts remains my only ongoing project now. School this year has been killer (this second semester is really sucking me dry) but when I can find it in me to write for fun, not for a class, I want to finish this project. I refuse to upload anything else until AF is done, period. (plus I have plans for its sequel well underway, so I've gotta wrap up book one first lol)
          if you've been waiting on MF, please enjoy :) if you're still waiting on AF, I am so sorry but please continue to bear with me.
          all my love <3


          hellooooo lovely people,
          I fell off the face of the earth again (thanks, life, lol), but I now return bearing new covers AND news about projects (!!!)
          1) I said it already, but new covers!! super exciting!! I haven't had a lot of time to play around with different styles, but I had some of these saved to whip into shape, and it was time for a change.
          2) BIG NEWS! I have (finally) finished writing Moving Forward (!) after I think six years!! (hahaha whoops) It surprisingly ended with the same number of chapters that I originally imagined, so I guess this plot stayed in line with 2014 Me's thinking. who knew?
          which brings me to 3) because I have now finished MF, I will be uploading the last dozen or so chapters over the next few days. I know I've said I would keep a regular updating schedule before, buuuut we all know I'm terrible at that, so I'm just going to post them all quickly before I forget to do it or get caught up off Wattpad again. I'll be uploading at least one, maybe two, chapters tonight; tomorrow I will be AWOL again, so the rest of the chapters will start going up Sunday and, hopefully, be entirely posted by Tuesday-Wednesday of next week. if any of y'all wanna know how that story ends, here's your chance! (you'll definitely have to re-read everything from before to remember though, sorry :/)
          4) now that MF is done, only AF is left to finish. gotta admit, haven't made too much progress with that one since MF has taken most of my time and energy, but updates will be coming! if you care to keep up with that one, know that I am determined to finish it before I post any other new projects or side stories.
          5) as a general comment, here's a big thank you to all you lovely followers/readers/voters/commenters who have kept up with my profile and my works even though I have not. many thanks and much appreciation to you all <3
          all my love <3<3


          (first of all, I'm looking back at the date of my last post here and hahahaha wow that was a while back :/)
          Okay, all seriousness here now:
          Hello lovelies,
          I have very important news to share with you all.
          I have FINALLY finished Backwoods Backwards, which is HUGE because one) it's taken me about four years (four!!!) to write and post this whole thing, and two) it's my first ever lengthy project FINISHED.
          (be proud of me, y'all. I am.)
          Now whether or not you guys want to hear the rest of this, here's what else is going on in this overworked brain of mine. I'm going to try and get back in the swing of Moving Forward and Awkward Firsts because I want to finish them, but at the same time I've been shaping up some new ideas for one-shots/books, so I'll be working on those, too. Keep your eyes peeled for whatever comes out next!!
          Thank you, and all my love <3


          Hello lovelies,
          It’s been a while. I say this every time I disappear, but man it has been a while. So sorry for the harsh radio silence on my end :/
          I’m going to keep this short and sweet:
          1) I posted a new short story— go give it a little read and let me know what you think!
          2) I updated BB— I’m almost finished writing it, so now that I have chapters in storage to dig out and share, updates will be more frequent for this story.
          3) MF and AF— I have dedicated most of my time away from Wattpad to focus on BB, so updated for these two projects will come later. Sorry if I disappoint anyone with that news, but I WILL come back to those projects!
          Last but not least, I love you all for sticking with me. To my new and old readers/followers alike, you’re the best, and I thank you so much for the support.
          All my love <3


N O T E :
          First of all, haha wow I’ve been gone long and wow am I sorry about that.
          Second, new chapters for all three of my stories have been published. Enjoy :)
          Third, I’ll be editing everything I’ve written in the past in the next few weeks because revision is in order, so I just wanted to let you all know that.
          Fourth, if you read this far, you rock and I love you. I do not deserve the support I’ve received in the last year on here (my read counts, votes, and followers have all shot up), but I appreciate it with all my heart.
          Thank you, loves <3


@-tigerlily Hahaha, that it did! 


@Tesshmallow_ Oh my gosh, I know! Took me long enough!


@-tigerlily Look at you, updating and all :D


U P D A T E :
          Hello lovelies, here's a quick PSA to bring you all up to speed on what's been going on.
          About two weeks ago, I graduated high school. Since then I've been working hours fitting for a full time position at my job with only three days off in that timeframe, and I simply have not had the time to update what I've had written. I finally have now, however, and my new chapters include:
          19 - Backwoods Backwards
          19 - Awkward Firsts
          32 - Moving Forward
          I've also posted a one shot entry for a RomanceSparks love song contest, Turning Back Time, based on Rihanna's Love On The Brain, so that might be something you'd like to check out.
          Lastly, because I'm done with high school, I'll be getting ready for college, so I'll try to write as much as I can before I head off in the fall so that maybe you guys won't have to wait so long for updates. (Even if I don't post very frequently this summer, I'd like to have most of my stories either done or almost completed for the sake of posting them easily then come school season.)
          I hope you didn't forget about me; I haven't forgotten about you all here in the wonderful world of Wattpad.
          Much love <3