
Hey guys, I'm going to start a new book thats not a fan fiction. If you have any suggestions, tell me.


@-thatdamdemigod- please write a new story


Hi! I saw your advertisements for your Percy Jackson books and I'm about to start reading them but I do have a question. A vital question....well not vital to me reading them but it's just something I'm curious about. Who do you ship Nico with?


@KrysBabdon Name: Jemma Strauss
            Godly Parent: Ares
            Age: 17
            Appearance: (Face Claim) Amanda Leighton
            Weapons: Energy-pulsing bow staff
            Relationships: Pretty good relationship with her sister Clarisse and brother Frank, hangs out with the Seven (plus Nico, Reyna, Calypso, etc); protective of friends after mother dies in a dracanae attack (before she came to CHB)


@KrysBabdon oh I see it! 1 sec. Probably post it here


@KrysBabdon Yeah, there is a form that you can just fill out in the comments of it. It is in the third message after this one.