
can’t find anyone on here who matches my freak !!


can’t find anyone on here who matches my freak !!


finally back in my making graphics era and contemplating making a gif lotto? Would anyone be interested in that? If you guys want to see some of my work please checkout my old graphic shop and graphic tutorials book as well as my ongoing graphic portfolio!!! <3


I would be!! I was just going through my old stories and I used to use so so many of your graphics 


bridget, i have a question! so i make my covers like the ones you post on your tut, youve seen them! however im stuck on the one im making like i get it together but then when i put it on wattpad, it won't fit. how will i make the sizes of the picture right so that it can fit?


@1-800-McCall yes! If you click the lock button you can use that ratio to fit the whole pic in


@-isaaclahey ok thank you! will i just type that in for the ratio at the top with the numbers?


@1-800-McCall hey! I’m not sure why that could be. As far as I know wattpad hasn’t changed their cover ratios which is 512 x 800. Let me know if cropping it that way works!!


I want to see Sabrina when she goes on tour but I know it’s gonna be so hard. Feeling so sad cause I had the opportunity to see her for the emails I can’t send tour but ended up not going :((


I feel it :( we can cry together


this! im dreading the war and im scared to find out how much they’ll cost too </3