
check out the newest chapter of my Harry Potter fic!


hey guys! I came here to remind you that, just because celebrities are slowing down with the posts and information and support for #BLM doesn't mean that it's over! If you can't donate, please sign petitions; it literally takes 10 seconds to sign!
          and if your family or anyone in your environment expresses racist remarks, maybe even saying that whatever they said isn't actually racist and that it is a fact, YOU HAVE TO educate them like you educate yourself!
          just because the posting is receding does not mean anything is over!
          ps: I know that there's a very young audience on this app but for everyone who can: REGISTER TO VOTE! don't sit around and watch the world burn if YOU CAN DO SMETHING!


there's a link in my bio that you can click to support the BLM movement! and always remember;
            no lives matter until black lives do!