
recently moved & we have a feral mama cat & her two kittens that i take care of now within a week of living here lol
          	& last night a deer was on my front porch eating from my bushes!! i love the country but damn this humidity is AWFUL. 


it’s disappointing to see people say they stand with Israel or Palestine like they are watching a game on tv. 
          i stand for the thought of leaders & politicians to stand in an arena & fight rather than putting lives they don’t care about at risk for their ego & religion.


HEY GUYSSSSS long time no talk but this is very important!!!!
          besides some severe health issues and regular stuff, i have not been able to write or update HOHW series because the website i used to watch TWD on closed down. i don't own Netflix because of rising costs and it's not really worth it to my family and i. does anyone have a website they use that's pretty good?!?!? pls help i wanna write now that I'm strictly on bedrest <3 love y'all hopefully you guys are doing good! miss ya


@-ETHANLANDRY thank you! ill check it out


sending lots of love and hope you get better. i use ev01.to when i  watch shows and films. 


Hi, I was wondering who did the edits for your walking dead book covers?


@SolarOutlaw it's absolutely amazing. What program do you use? Would you ever consider maybe doing a commission to make a fanfic cover for someone?


i do them!! { @SolarOutlaw }